Field of work
Research groups- Analyzing and assessing linguistic multicompetence (AALM)
- Researching Teacher Education, Language and Literature (RETELL)
- ENB802, English 1, module 2 - Language and culture, 24/25
- MDIP550, Master's thesis, 24/25
- MGUEN501, English 3, module 1 - Teaching and Learning English, 24/25
- MGUEN502, English 3, module 2 - Research Design and Methods in English Education, 24/25
- MGUEN550, English 3, module 4 - Master’s thesis, 24/25
- PHD950, Doctoral thesis, 24/25
Students' perceptions and use of a new digital tool in teacher education
Working with grammar
Student perspectives on formative feedback as part of writing portfolios
Extensive reading in primary school EFL
Demonstrative reference in the writing of young EFL Norwegian learners