Field of work
Ruth Ingrid Skoglund is a core researcher at KINDknow-Kindergarten Knowledge Centre for Systemic Research on Diversity and Sustainable Futures
She is co-leader of the reserach group Kindergarten as formative educational arena
She is member of subgroups:
-Conditions for children's play and exploration
-Preventing psychos-ocial environment in kindergarten, work against violations and bullying
- Master course MBA511 Kindergarten as an arena for cultural formation and kindergarten teachers' professional assignment
- Cultural understanding and Comparative pedagogy
- Supervision and kindergarten teachers' professional development
- Childrens' play and exploration
- Professional ethics for kindergarten teachers
- Collaboration with parents to prevent bullying in kindergartenen
- Kindergarten as a formative educational arena
- Conditioning Children as Explorers
- Prevention of psycho-social environment in kindergarten, work against violation and bullying