Checklist: reading and writing difficulties

Do you think you might have reading and writing difficulties?

  1. Do you sometimes get left and right muddled up?
  2. Do you find it hard to read a map, or is it difficult to find your way in a new place?
  3. Has reading out loud been a problem for you?
  4. Do you read slower than other people?
  5. Do you find it difficult to remember what you’ve read?
  6. Do you find it difficult to keep track when you have many books to read?
  7. Is it difficult to spell things correctly?
  8. Is your handwriting difficult to read?
  9. Do you find it difficult to remember information?
  10. Is it difficult to spell long words correctly?
  11. Do you find it difficult to do sums in your head, without using your fingers or paper?
  12. When using the phone, do you ever mix the numbers up as you dial?
  13. Is it difficult for you to say the names of the months in the right order and in a fluent way?
  14. Is it difficult for you to list the months backwards?
  15. Do you have difficulties remembering dates and times, and do you miss appointment?
  16. Is it difficult to fill out forms?
  17. Do you ever mix up similar numbers, for example 95 and 59?
  18. When you were in primary school, did you find it difficult to learn the multiplication table?
  19. Does anyone in your family have dyslexia or reading and writing difficulties?
  20. Have you been tested for dyslexia before?