Modeling and evaluating evidence based continuing education in nursing home dementia care (MEDCED)

Project owner

Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Center for Care Reseach, west

Project period

August 2011 - August 2015

Project summary

The aim of the study is to retest an education intervention in care staff to prevent use of restraint in NH residents with dementia in 24 NHs in Norway, and investigate which factors that hindered or promoted a standardized education intervention implementing person-centred care and confidence building initiatives, targeting nursing staff in dementia care. The education program was designed to improve collective staff decisions in nursing homes through increased knowledge of dementia and understanding of persons living with dementia. The standardized education intervention was  previously proven effective in a Doctoral dissertation work by Ingelin Testad at the University of Stavanger and Stavanger Hospital Trust, but updated based on new Norwegian legislation focusing on `trust before restraint` (Pasient- og bruker rettighetsloven, 2009 [Patients` Rights Act], as well as modified by the facilitators executing the education intervention by revising the education material. The MEDCED study used a mixed method design combining cluster randomized controlled trial (C-RCT), participatory action research (PAR) and ethnography, where the aim was to document and examine the success or failure of the education intervention.


Studiens design kombinerer klynge-randomisert studie (Cluster-RCT) med deltakende aksjonsforskning (Participatory Action Research – PAR). Undervisningsintervensjonen vil bli gjennomført i to faser; først fra forskerne og til implementeringsteamet, dernest fra implementeringsteamet og til personalet i sykehjemmene