FICHS - Facilitation and Innovation in community health services

The research network FICHS researches on person-centered practice development.

Person-centered practice development is a participatory action research method that emphasizes innovation in the health service to promote person-centered care and culture. The network holds courses, seminars and workshops with and for practice to improve and change health and social care practice.

Among other things, the network provides courses and training in facilitation, evaluation research and participatory action research.

Research area

  • Person-sentered practice development
  • Facilitation
  • Evaluation research
  • Innovation and co-creation of knowledge


The research network started in 2016 and consists of employees at HVL and other collaborative institutions engaged in person-centered practice development. The network also has several international partners with long experience in person-centered practice development, including the Centre for Person-centred Practice Research.

In the past year, the group has joined a research community in Denmark that is also working to promote person-centered practice development in Scandinavia. Together with key members of HVL, this research community constitutes a working committee.

The network is linked to the role of the Center for Caring Research as a research advisor for the development centers for nursing homes and home services (USHT) in Western Norway (USHT Sunnfjord, USHT Fonna, USHT Bergen, USHT Stavanger). These members work with facilitation, teaching and development work for and with practice, including evaluation of smaller practice development projects.

Ongoing research projects

Development of the facilitator role related to a research-based practice development program entitled Practice Development (PD) anchored in the research team ICoP at Queen Margareths University, Edinburgh Scotland.

Leader FICHS-network

bilde av Christine Øye

Christine Øye

Pro-Rector for Research