Land and Legal Studies

The research group in land and legal studies carries out research in land law, land consolidation, the law of surveying and the cadastre, as well as planning law. In addition, the group works on topics in the law of housing and environmental law.

Our research is characterised by an interdisciplinary approach to legal questions, involving close cooperation with other research groups, especially the planning group and the geomatics group. Several of our members are also active in the Western Norway Research Group in the History of Property.

Selected research topics:

  • Legal and economic frameworks for joint ownership and development in the housing sector.
  • Automatic decision-making based on public geodata.
  • Land registration in Norway and other countries.
  • Property formation and reorganisation in the municipal system and in the land consolidation courts.
  • Private property rights and land use planning.
  • Wind turbines on land, at sea, in the fjords and near the coast.
  • Valuation of land, planning and distribution of economic land rents.
  • Property theory, joint ownership, joint use of land and land consolidation.
  • Land consolidation, tax and stamp duty

Head of Research Group:

Selected publications

Sjur K Dyrkolbotn, «Offentlig kontroll med eiendomsdannelsens romlige avgrensning», i August Røsnes (red), Arealadministrasjon (2 utgave, 2021), Universitetsforlaget.

Frode Alexander Borge, «Avtalefriheten ved eiendomsdannelse», i August Røsnes (red), Arealadministrasjon (2 utgave, 2021), Universitetsforlaget.

Børge Aadland, «Krav til etablering av eierseksjonssameie og borettslag», i August Røsnes (red), Arealadministrasjon (2 utgave, 2021), Universitetsforlaget.

Leiv Bjarte Mjøs, «Cadastral development in Norway: the need for improvement», Survey Review 52, (2020): 473-484.

Ane Margrethe Lyng og Per Kåre Sky, «Rypeforvaltning i 15 utvalgte jaktterreng i Sør-Norge», Utmark 2019, nr. 1: 65-84.

Lars Kvestad, «Om det å undersøkje ei nemning sitt meiningsinnhald over fleire hundreår - Ei omgrepshistorisk og metodisk undring», i Jørn Øyrehagen Sunde (red.), Fordom og forventning: Ei handbok i rettshistorisk metode, Akademisk Publisering, (2019): 48-71.

Bjerva, Ø.J., Holth, F., Reiten, M., Sky, P.K. og Aasen, I. Kommentarutgave til jordskifteloven. 1. utgave, Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, (2016).

Leiv Bjarte Mjøs og Hans Sevatdal, «Eigedomstvistar og matrikkelsystem», Kart og Plan 71, nr. 3 (2011): 151-171.