MAS144 Materials and Manufacturing
Course description for academic year 2020/2021
Contents and structure
How the composition of the materials affects material properties, and characteristic properties of metals, polymers, ceramics and composites. For metals, the effect of heat treatment, processing and chemical composition of steel and aluminum. Corrosion as a thermodynamic process, as well as electrochemical processes such as the electromotive force. The galvanic series and types of corrosion resistant materials and corrosion prevention. Mechanical properties and tests, destructive and non-destructive. Molding and plastic processing, welding and cutting processes. Machining processes such as lathe, milling, drilling and grinding. Computer-aided manufacturing and industrial robots in manufacturing processes.
Learning Outcome
The students
- Have basic knowledge about physics and mechanics of metallic materials and know applications.
- Have knowledge about nonmetallic construction materials
- Bacic knowleddge about corrosion mechanisms
- Can explain important shaping and manufacturing processes.
- Can explain the effects of temperature and deformation concerning mechanical properties of important materials.
The students can
- Distinguish between various metallic alloys and classify them according to their physical and mechanical properties and suitable shaping processes.
- Choose a material based on desired physical and mechanical properties of the final product.
- Can choose different processing and production processes to achieve product specification, as well as quality and tolerance requirements.
-General qualification:
The students:
- Can determine various mechanical properties of material based on different test methods.
- Can choose between different material, processing methods and shaping mechanism based on industrial requirements due to the product.
- Can provide knowledge written and verbal concerning material and production.
- Have learned to cooperate in teams and projects/lab.
Entry requirements
Recommended previous knowledge
Introduction to Engineering Experience and Working Methods, 10 nos. of credits
Teaching methods
Lectures, computational and laboratory exercises.
Compulsory learning activities
Laboratory experiments and individual submission in the material section.
Laboratory experiments and individual submission in the production section
Written exam, 4 hours
Grade A-E/passed; F/failed
Examination support material
Simple calculator: Allowed calculator is Casio fx-82 (all varieties: ES, ES Plus, EX, Solar etc.)
Haugesund: Technical table of formulas (Pedersen, Gustavsen, Kaasa og Olsen) will be handed out during the exam.
Bergen: Attachments to the exam.
More about examination support materialCourse reductions
- ING2015 - Materialar og tilverking - Reduction: 10 studypoints
- MAS107 - Maskinkonstruksjon og tilverknad - Reduction: 2.5 studypoints
- MAS113 - Materiallære - Reduction: 5 studypoints
- MAS118 - Tilverknad og automatisering - Reduction: 2.5 studypoints
- MAS106 - Materiallære og kjemi - Reduction: 5 studypoints
- TOM162 - Materiallære - Reduction: 5 studypoints
- ING2005 - Maskinkonstruksjon og tilvirkning - Reduction: 10 studypoints