SDG234 Innovation, Change Management and Sustainability
Course description for academic year 2020/2021
Contents and structure
The aim of this course is to provide students with the necessary knowledge and skills to actively participate in innovation and change processes in an organization. Classes have a practical approach, using cases/ practical exercises to illustrate innovation and change and methods for innovation and change
Management theories and strategies
Innovation in existing companies, value creation, and entrepreneurship
Systems of innovation, innovation ecosystems, clusters and value chains
The age of innovation, digitalization and current issues relating to digitalization
The project as a tool for innovation and change
Coaching and self-management
Organizational learning and development
Resistance to change
Digital transformation
Sustainable development
Cocreation and the age of collaboration
The course is a part of the The Norwegian West Coast SDG educational initiative: - Sustainable Economics, Management and Innovations (SEMI)
Learning Outcome
Learning outcomes:
On completion of this course students will have knowledge about:
- Central theories, models and strategies for innovation and change in public and private sector
- Strategies and management of innovation and change , digitalization and strategies for digitalization
- How innovation creates value and competitive advantage
- How to apply change management theories in various contexts
- The effect of change at an individual level and methods for managing such challenges
On completion of this course students will be able to:
- Analyze a chosen organization based on theories of innovation and change
- Plan innovation and change processes and suggest strategy, leadership, and methods
- Suggest measures for taking care of the individual during change processes
General competence
On completion of this course students will be able to:
- Identify the need for innovation and change and methods for managing such processes
- Reflect on planning and implementation of innovation and change processes
Entry requirements
Recommended previous knowledge
ØAO001 Organization I and ØAO011 Organization II, or similar.
Teaching methods
Lectures, team work, practical problems/exercises and cases.
Compulsory learning activities
3 mandatory submissions/written assignments must be approved before taking the exam.
Approved submissions/written assignment are valid in the examination semester and 3 following semesters.
Group based home examination with adjusting oral examination.
The grade will be announced at least 24 hours before the adjusting oral examination starts. The grade may be adjusted up or down by maximum one grade.
Time and place for the oral examination wilol be published at Its Learning
Grading scale is A-F where F is fail.
Examination support material
More about examination support materialCourse reductions
- ØAA113 - Innovasjons- og endringsleiing - Reduction: 7.5 studypoints