PL416 Landscape Assessment
Course description for academic year 2021/2022
Contents and structure
Introduction to the concept of landscape and knowledge about the European landscape convention. Landscape analysis of a landscape by the method of the Norwegian Environment Agency and Directorate for Cultural Heritage. This includes registration of natural condtions like geology, terrain, climate and vegetation, as well as land use and settlements, historical conditions, cultural references and visual landscape descriptions, to analyse and assess landscape character and landsacape value. Also consequences of developments on landscape character are assessed.
Learning Outcome
The student shall:
- know different ways of understanding the term landscape.
- know the European landscape convention.
- understand the importance of landscape character and landscape value.
The student shall:
- have the ability to collect information about landscape through own observations and different sources, and to extract relevant information.
- have the ability to present a landscape analysis both written and visual through maps and pictures.
The student shall
- be able to carry out a complete landscape analysis for an area, deciding landscape character and the value of the landscape based on the landscape properties.
- is able to discuss the problem with objectivity in analyses of landscapes.
Entry requirements
No formal prerequisites
Teaching methods
Lectures. Teacher supervised work performing landscape analysis for an particular area (in groups). Collection of own information from written and oral sources, in addition to field observations.
Compulsory learning activities
Approved individual written assignment
Participation in 1-2 excurisions in the study area
Written project assignment in groups of 3-4 students.
New group assignment must be performed if getting a failing grade or improving grade.
Grading: A-F
Course reductions
- PL416 - Landskapsanalyse. Landskapslære 1 - Reduction: 10 studypoints