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BI424 Introduction to Botany

Course description for academic year 2024/2025

Contents and structure

The evolution and systematics of land plants (bryophytes, seedless vascular plants and seedplants), protists and fungi, and the relationship between these groups. Morphology, life cycles and life forms. Introduction to plant and fungi biodiversity, and to floristics: ca. 360 taxa (species, genera and families), and usage of floras and flora keys. The course emphasises land plants, and lays a foundation for understanding ecological patterns and processes at community and ecosystem level, and for identifying common Norwegian ecosystems.

Entry requirements


Recommended previous knowledge


Teaching methods

Lectures, group work, field course, laboratory exercises

Compulsory learning activities

Participation in 5-8 excursions.

Approved laboratory report from minimum 8 laboratory exercises.

Approved, written assignments: presentation, written colloquium assignment, registering in Artsobservasjoner.


1) Written examination under supervision, 4 hours, 67%.

2) Practical examination, floristic exam, 1 hour, 33%.

The practical examination will only be organised in the teaching semester (autumn).

Both examinations must be passed to pass the course.

Grading: A-F.

Examination support material

1) Written examination under supervision: none

2) Floristic exam: all non-digital aids allowed (except for own herbarium material)

More about examination support material