Field of work

My research interests are in communications and automation. This includes both basic and applied research, through many national and international projects in different types of industrial communication, Quality of Service, Service Oriented Architecture - from real-time protocols, Factory 4.0 to the Internet of Things.

Besides, I work on teaching – and dissemination methods in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) subjects. What is important for students, how will they learn, how can we motivate students, what digital work tools fit well, how to stimulate curiosity? I am involved in teaching, supervision (BA, MSc, Ph.D.), professional development, research, student exchange and activation, and dissemination.

I am a graduate (MSc Eng. 1991) in Computer Science from Silesian University of Technology SUT, Poland, with almost 30 years of teaching experience: 11 years at SUT, 12 years at Sogn og Fjordane University College HiSF, and 6 years at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences HVL. Also, I worked for 12 years as a programmer, researcher, and developer of communication and automation systems in the industry.

  • Since 2006, Assistant Professor at HiSF, Faculty of Engineering and Science.
  • Since 2009, Associated Professor at HiSF.
  • Since 2017, Associated Professor at HVL, Department of Computer science, Electrical engineering, and Mathematical sciences.
  • Since 2020, Professor in Computer Science at HVL.

I (with a group of teachers from Campus Førde) received the HVL Educational Quality Award 2021 for systematic work with educational quality, the student-centered approach, and the inclusion and activation of students in teaching and research.

I was granted merited teacher status in 2023.

I am the author of 70 publications about network communication, but also about pedagogical methods in teaching fojcik. I have done 52 reviews and have been an organizer on the program committee at 24 national and international conferences.

  • 2017 – board member in HVL Tekna for Førde and Sogndal
  • 2018 – in R&D on Faculty of Engineering and Science on HVL
  • 2019 – member of Universities Norway (UHR) in MNT Electronic
  • 2022 – member of The Education Committee on HVL
  • 2022 – member of Faculty Council on Faculty of Engineering and Science on HVL

 Chosen projects:

  • 2023–2024 «The concept of sustainable development in the innovative education of students» from EEA Financial Mechanism - Education Programme (1,6 MNOK) as coordinator for HVL
  • 2020–2023 «Automated Guided Vehicles integrated with Collaborative Robots for Smart Industry PerspectiveCoBotAGV», from EEA Grants, POLNOR (1.7 MEURO) as coordinator for HVL
  • 2020–2022 «Research on different teaching methods in Project-Based-Learning» as leader
  • 2019–2021 «Gjenkjenning av sykdomaktivitet hos pasienter med kroniske artritter fra aktivitet mønster detektert av berbære sensorer» – part 1 and 2 (27 kEURO), as a partner from HVL
  • 2019–2021 «Praktisk digitalisering av høgskuleundervisning - erfaringar frå forelesarar og studentar» as leader
  • 2019–2020 «Kartlegging og forbetring eksamensteknikkar blant studentane» as leader
  • 2016–2018 «Knowledge integrating shop floor management system supporting preventive and predictive maintenance services for automotive polymorphic production frameworkINOMOTO», from Polish National Centre of Research and Development
  • 2016–2018 «Eldrevenleg sjukehus/sengepost» as participant
  • 2014–2017 «Automotive Production Engineering Unified Perspective based on Data Mining Methods and Virtual Factory ModelAutoUniMo» from EU Maria Curie, FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IAPP
  • 2013–2017 «Automated Assessment of Joint Synovitis Activity from Medical Ultrasound and Power Doppler Examinations Using Image Processing and Machine Learning MethodsMEDUSA», from Polish-Norwegian Research Programme (1 MEURO) as WP leader


Courses taught
  • Bachelor Project, HO2-300, 2006-2020, supervisor for 34 projects
  • Practical project, OR2-300, 2006-2010
  • Computer technology with programming, DA2-100, 2006-2013, responsible
  • Industrial ICT, IN2-301, 2008-2011, responsible
  • Electronics and computers, EL2-203, 2008-2019
  • TCP/IP course, 2009, responsible
  • Measurement systems and instrumentation, IN2-201, 2008-2012, responsible
  • Measuring systems, IN2-300, 2008
  • Engineering introductory topic, OR2-100, 2012-2018
  • Computers in networks, EL2-300, 2013-2019, responsible
  • Electronic basis 2, EL2-102, 2014-2018
  • Advanced Programming, DA2-301, 2014-2018, responsible
  • Technology for health and care, THO-801, 2018-2020
  • Implementation of technology for health and care, THO-802, 2018-2020
  • Algorithms and data structures, DAT102, 2019
  • Programming and microcontrollers, ELE102, 2020-
  • Advanced programming, ELE205, 2020- , responsible
  • Introduction to engineering and working methods, ING104, 2020
  • Electrophysical basis 2, ELE142, 2020
  • Electrophysical basis 2 Y-veg, ELE143, 2020
  • Cyber-physical systems and IoT, ADA512, 2023-,  one of responsible
  • Sensor networks, ADA528, 2023- , one of responsible
  • Sensornettverk, PCS922, 2023-, one of responsible

Research areas
  • Communication systems (QoS, OPC UA, Internet of Things, Factory 4.0)
  • Service Oriented Architecture (ontology, OPC UA, limitation)
  • Autonomous vehicles (sensors, algorithms, networks)
  • Production systems, predictive maintenance
  • Welfare technology
  • Use of artificial intelligence in medical diagnostics (MEDUSA project)
  • Pedagogical methods and improvement of teaching quality
  • Sustainable development

Research groups
Courses taught
  • ADA512, Cyber-physical systems and IoT, Fall 2024
  • ADA528, Sensor networks, Fall 2024
  • ADA528, Sensor networks, Spring 2025
  • ELE205, Advanced Programming, Fall 2024
  • PCS928, Sensor Networks, Fall 2024
  • PCS928, Sensor Networks, Spring 2025


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