Appeals regarding procedural errors

If you have taken an exam and believe that HVL has made an error, you can appeal against procedural errors. You can appeal against procedural errors in any type of exam.

If a procedural errors has occurred, the grading decision will be annulled and the error rectified. The error can either be rectified either by reassessing the answer paper submitted (if possible), or by giving you the option to resit the exam. The reassessment may be favourable or unfavourable to you.

If the error may have affected several students in the exam, the error may be rectified for all.

Procedural errors pursuant to Section 5-2 of the Act relating to universities and university colleges can include:

  • Errors in the question paper that could have had an impact on the result.

  • Errors in the practical implementation of the exam that could have had an impact on the result.

  • Errors in marking that could have had an impact on the result.

The deadline for appealing against procedural errors is three weeks after you have become aware or should have become aware of the circumstance on which the appeal is based. If you have requested an explanation or appealed against the grade, the deadline for appeals is three weeks after you have received the explanation or grade reassessment.

Successful appeal

If the appeal is upheld, the error shall be rectified. The outcome depends on what needs to be done in order to rectify the error.

If the error can be rectified by reassessment, your answer paper will be sent to a new examiner and the original grade will be annulled. If you have already appealed against the grade, the grade reassessment will also be annulled. The new grade will stand, whether it is better than, the same as or worse than the original grade.

If the error cannot be rectified by reassessment, you will be given the option to reset the exam in that subject.

If the appeal is not upheld

If the appeal is not upheld, the Board of Appeals at HVL will make a final decision on the case. The Board of Appeals decides whether a procedural error has been committed, and whether the error should be rectified by reassessment or a resit.

How can I appeal against procedural errors in an exam?

Appeals against procedural errors must be made in writing and sent to In the appeal, you must explain what procedural errors were committed in the exam and how you would like the error to be rectified.

Students may withdraw an appeal up to the date on which it is resolved. 

If a procedural error has not been committed in an exam

If a procedural error has not been committed in an exam, but you are dissatisfied with the marking, you can appeal against the grade.

If a procedural error has not been committed in an exam, but you are dissatisfied with the teaching programme or have feedback for the academic staff, you can send a message about this or send an email to the department.