Go abroad with Erasmus+
Erasmus+ is the largest exchange programme in the world. With Erasmus+ there are no school fees, and you get an extra grant in addition to support from Lånekassen. You can choose between 150 partner institutions in Europe.
Who is eligible for Erasmus+?
As long as your study program has an Erasmus exchange agreement with one of HVL’s partner institutions, all students from bachelor through PhD can go abroad with Erasmus+. With the Erasmus grant the programme aims to facilitate exchange studies, to help you develop your language skills. Through immersing yourself in a new culture you will experience personal growth.
Where can you travel?
Most HVL’s European partner institutions, except British and Swiss partners, are also Erasmus partners, but see agreements available through Erasmus+ for your study program here.
You can also browse institutions available to you in the app HVL Utveksling (in Norwegian language only).
Erasmus grant
Travelling with Erasmus+ you will get an Erasmus grant in addition to the support from Lånekassen. You receive 70% of the grant upon departure, and 30% upon your return.
Rates (from autumn 2023):
€ 530 per month for high-cost countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland and Sweden).
€ 470 per month for low-cost countries (all other Erasmus countries).
+ € 150 if your stay is a traineeship only.
Extra grants and inclusion support (from autumn 2025)
- Students with children under 18 or other care responsibilities, students with a physical disability, chronic illness refugee status and students belonging to Norwegian indigenous groups or national minorities get an additional € 250 per month.
- Students with permanent disabilities or chronic illness making participation in Erasmus+ not possible without extra support may also receive inclusion support. This applies in cases where the additional cost of going on exchange is higher than the support available to all students and where other sources of support is no available. In such cases, the additional funding from Erasmus+ covers actual, approved costs.
If this applies to you please send an email to international@hvl.no.
How to register for the grant
You can follow the complete process from application for exchange to the final approval of courses upon your return in the app HVL Utveksling. This is also where you register for the Erasmus+ grant.
Withdrawal from Erasmus+
If you have to withdraw or cancel your exchange, HVL may claim part or the full grant to be refunded.
Green travel
If you travel in an environmentally friendly fashion for a minimum of 50 % of your complete journey to and from your Erasmus+ destination, you will receive extra funds from Erasmus+ in addition to a grant covering up to 2 travel days more than if you do not travel environmentally friendly. You may also apply for HVLs enviromental grant.
How to become an Erasmus student
Before engaging in the following steps please make sure that your pre-approval has been assigned and that your application for exchange to HVL has been approved. If you haven’t applied HVL for exchange, you need to do this first.
Before exchange
1. Online Learning Agreement (OLA) / Learning Agreement
You initiate your Online Learning Agreement (OLA) once your application for Erasmus exchange has been approved. Read more about how to fill in the OLA in the user guide.
Learning Agreement and OLA is an agreement between student, home institution and partner institution. It describes the content of the exchange and is sometimes a part of the student’s application to the partner institution.
2. Apply to the partner institution
HVL nominates you to the partner institution. You will receive information about the application process from the partner institution directly. Guidance on the application is given by the partner institution.
HVL's Erasmus code is N BERGEN14.
3. Send copy of the admission letter
As soon as you get a letter of admission from the partner institution, please upload it in the app.
NB! The admission letter must include the dates for the timeframe for the exchange.
4. Language preparations
All Erasmus students get access to a language test and language courses in preparation of their stay. The language preparation tools are available at EU Academy.
- Log in on the EU-Academy website
- In the field "What do you want to learn today", search for "Placement test"
- Choose the language test you wish to take
- Click "Enroll" on the next page (yellow box on the right-hand side)
- Click "Attempt quiz now"
- The test will take between 10 - 45 minutes.
- Once you have answered all questions, press "Finish attempt"
- Review your answere before continuing to the final page showing your result.
If you experience any issues, contact the support team directly or read their FAQ page.
5. Erasmus Grant Agreement
To receive the Erasmus grant you need to register this in the app. Please have information about your bank account and insurance policy number ready when you start the application. By registering, you sign and confirm that you have read and understood the content of the Erasmus Grant Agreement.
Erasmus Grant Agreement is a contract between the student and HVL.
Before your return
Make sure your confirmation of stay is signed by the coordinator at your host institution. Template of Confirmation of Stay is found here.
After exchange
1. Recognition of your exchange
- Transcript of Records: When you have received your Transcript of Records, please send it to HVL.
- Confirmation of Stay: Please send your confirmation of stay to HVL through this link: Send the CoS to your case worker at HVL.
3. Erasmus Participants Report
You will receive a mandatory report from the Erasmus+ program.
4. Final payment of the Erasmus grant
When the steps above are completed the final instalment (20%) of the Erasmus grant will be sent to you.
Why go on abroad with Erasmus+?
- More money to enjoy your stay!
- Short distances – you can afford to explore Europe!
- Study at high-level European universities without paying school fees!
- Combine education with living abroad!
- Become a part of the Erasmus Student Network!
- Meet new friends and expand your network!
- Improve your language skills!
- Visit cities you would never travel to on holiday!
- Take part in the world’s largest exchange programme!