Grieg Academy Music Education research group (GAME)

GAME will work for the development of new knowledge that stimulates critical reflection on pedagogical and learning practices in music education.

Head of research group

Research group members

Associate Professor
Department of Arts Education
Associate Professor
Department of Arts Education
Associate Professor
Faculty of Education, Arts and Sports
Faculty of Education, Arts and Sports
Associate Professor
Department of Arts Education


Dr. Heather Paudler Arghandeh (post.doc. at Campus Sogndal, WNUAS)

Dr. Thanh Thuy Nguyen (post doc, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences)

Prof. Helga Rut Gudmundsdottir (prof.II WNUAS, University of Iceland)

Katarzyna Julia Leikvoll (University of Bergen)

Steinar Sætre (University of Bergen)

Tom Eide Osa (University of Bergen)

Marianne Løkke Jakobsen (The Royal Danish Academy of Music)  

Koji Matsunobu (Associate Professor, Education University of Hong Kong).

Jonathan McCollum (Washington College, USA).

Knut Eysturstein (PhD student and lecturer, University of the Faroe Islands).

Miwa Chiba (postdoctoral researcher, University of Luxembourg).

Erisa Walubo (PhD student, Makerere University, Uganda).

Roger Mponda (postgraduate student, Kyambogo University, Uganda).

Lydia Basemera (postgraduate student, Kyambogo University, Uganda).

Rigmor Titt (retired Lecturer, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences). 

GAME will work for

  • Development of new knowledge that stimulates critical reflection on pedagogical and learning practices in music education.
  • Development of, and recruitment toward, postgraduate music education studies on the Master and PhD-levels.
  • Active conference participation and presentations of GAME-related research projects, in local, national, and international settings.
  • Expanding contact and collaboration with other research environments and individual scholars in Norway and abroad.
  • Planning and implementation of events in Western Norway for knowledge sharing across the music teaching profession.

Updates 2023

Updates 2023

  • GAME member David Johnson has recently launched the Singing Maps project, with support from Nordforsk:

  • In 2022-2023, GAME members published five books: Dybdelæring i musikk (Universitetsforlaget, 2022), World Music Pedagogy VII: Teaching World Music in Higher Education (Routledge, 2022), Ethnomusicology and Cultural Diplomacy (Rowman & Littlefield, 2022), Comparative and Decolonial Studies in Philosophy of Education (Springer, 2023), and Shared Listenings: Methods for Transcultural Musicianship and Research (Cambridge University Press, 2023). 

  • In 2024, David Johnson is publishing the book Decolonizing and Indigenising Music Education: First Peoples Leading Research and Practice (Routledge, 2024).

    Hebert, D. G. & Matsunobu, K. (2024). Link to book chapter: Learning of Musical Instruments in Japanese Schools. In H. Johnson (Ed.), Handbook of Japanese Music in the Modern Era. Amsterdam: Brill.

  • As of 2023, GAME publications have attracted over 1400 citations.

  • GAME leader David Hebert recently had keynote speeches for major conferences in Germany (proceedings HERE), Kenya, and China, and has been appointed as Board member of the International Society for Music Education and Chair of the ISME History Standing Committee.

  • GAME members also serve on the Editorial Boards of leading scholarly journals such as Music Education Research (Routledge) and International Journal of Music Education (Sage).

  • In 2023, three volumes have been published in the book series edited by GAME members, Deep Soundings: The Lexington Series in Historical Ethnomusicology (Rowman & Littlefield). A fourth volume is now in press, and two more are under contract and in preparation.

  • As of 2023, GAME recently completed its Music Talks (Erasmus Plus) project, and is now developing Music Talks II for submission in 2024.

  • GAME continues to lead the music strand of the Norad-sponsored CABUTE project for research-based capacity development of teacher education in Uganda. In October, Ugandan visitors are hosted by GAME for research mentoring in Bergen and GAME is hosting a symposium for 9 visitors from Uganda.

  • GAME also leads the Utforsk project Global Competence Partnership for cooperation at the doctoral and faculty development university pedagogy) levels with the Education University of Hong Kong. In May 2023, 13 PhD students came from China as part of this project, and in December, 25 Master students will come to Bergen for an intensive course developed through the project.

  • GAME invited philosopher Kathleen Higgins to Bergen in cooperation with the Bergen Network of Women in Philosophy and University of Bergen Philosophy Department.

  • In addition to multiple books, GAME continues to publish an array of articles in refereed journals as well as academic book chapters, such as the following:

    • Buchborn, T., Burnard, P., Hebert, D. G. & Moore, G. (2022). Reconfiguring music education for future-making: How? Music Education Research, 24(3). DOI: 10.1080/14613808.2022.2076821

    • Gilbertson, S. & Hebert. D. G. (2021). Music in a Concussive Monologue. Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy, 21(3). DOI: 10.15845/voices.v21i3.3305

    • Hebert, D. G. & Johnson, D. (in press, 2024). Global music communities and civic engagement in the digital age. In D. Blandy & F. Bastos (Eds.), Promoting Civic Engement Through Art Education: A Call to Action for Creative Educators. Routledge.

    • Hebert, D. G. & Matsunobu, K. (in press, 2024). Learning of Musical Instruments in Japanese Schools. In H. Johnson (Ed.), Handbook of Japanese Music in the Modern Era. Amsterdam: Brill. ISBN 978-90-04-52401-9

    • Hebert, D. G. (2023). Diversity, Diaspora, and Glocalization in Arts Education. In E. Schurig & A. Lehmann-Wermser (Eds.), Aspects of Multiculturalism in Arts Education. Proceedings of the 3rd German-Dutch Colloquium. Forschungsbericht, Band 33. Hannover: Institute for Music Education Research, Hannover University of Music, Drama, and Media. Print and online:

    • Hebert, D. G. (2022). Nature conservation and music sustainability: Fields with shared concerns. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 25, p.175-189 (‘Wild Pedagogies’ special issue). Retrieved from:

    • Jakobsen, M. L., Hebert, D. G., & Ørngreen, R. (2023). Synchronous online instrumental music teaching in cross-cultural learning contexts. International Journal of Music Education.

Updates 2022

March 2022

GAME’s proposal on music education and cultural diplomacy has been accepted for presentation at the upcoming Nordic Educational Research Association 2022 meeting.

Heather Arghandeh Paudler, David Johnson, and David Hebert are now preparing to host a planning meeting in Bergen in May for the Music Talks project (EU Erasmus Plus), with partners from Latvia and North Macedonia. 

For the Norad-funded CABUTE project, the Music subject group was established with its first meeting in March, led by David Hebert and Nicholas Ssempijja (Makerere University, Uganda). 

GAME has redeveloped its application for resubmission to Utforsk to support HVL collaboration with Education University of Hong Kong at the PhD level.

Springer press has just offered a contract for the edited volume Comparative and Decolonial Studies in Philosophy of Education (Ed., David Hebert), which will be submitted to the press in summer 2022. The book includes GAME’s partners in Hong Kong (e.g. Koji Matsunobu and his recent and former PhD students), as well as students from the two cohorts of HVL’s PhD911 course.  

Professor II Stefan Ostersjo will visit Bergen in mid-April for collaborations with GAME and Kairos research groups.

GAME leader David Hebert has three activities scheduled in Lithuania: a keynote speech in April and two doctoral defenses in June.

February 2022

Professor II Helga Rut Gudmundsdottir has appeared in Icelandic media for her work with GAME, and is currently strategizing development of grant support for the research group.

Professor Masafumi Ogawa, one of Japan’s most prolific music education researchers (with many PhD students), is traveling from Yokohama National University to the visit GAME research group during the first days of March 2022. GAME members Julia Leikvoll and Heather Arghandeh Paudler have – along with David Hebert – developed a chapter on music education in Norway for Ogawa’s forthcoming book.

A beautiful documentary video “Geysers and Guitars” has been produced by Italian film-maker Ferruccio Goia with the HVL Media Lab. It shows the impact of Nordic Network for Music Education international music master courses, which are administered as an internationalization project through GAME.

David Hebert has been invited to publish a book chapter based on his keynote speech in January for the German-Dutch Colloquium on Arts Education. He has also submitted an entry on Norway for the international encyclopedia of wind music to be published through the IGEB international band research organization.

GAME members David Hebert and David Johnson will visit Riga, Latvia in February for the first face-to-face meeting of the EU-funded Music Talks project. The project now moves from the R&D phase to the piloting of new methods for community youth music activities.

GAME members Stefan Östersjö, Thanh Thuy Nguyen, and David Hebert are now completing and submitting their monograph along with Henrik Frisk, titled Shared Listenings: Methods for Transcultural Musicianship and Research (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming). It contains new insights relevant for performing artists, researchers, and teachers on how musicians from vastly different cultures can effectively collaborate.

GAME members are submitting proposals for 2022 conferences of the Society for Ethnomusicology and the Nordic Educational Research Association.

January 2022

The GAME research group has been quite productive since late Autumn 2021.

  • GAME has been awarded some support to be part of the EU-funded RESUPERES project on resilience in European higher education.
  • GAME member Tom Eide Ose has completed his PhD.
  • GAME members David Johnson and David Hebert have submitted their R&D report for the EU-funded Music Talks project.
  • GAME members Julia Leikvoll, Heather Paudler-Arghandeh, and David Hebert have submitted a chapter on music education in Norway for a book to be published in Japanese, edited by Prof. Masafumi Ogawa.
  • GAME leader Prof. David Hebert gave the keynote speech for the Third German Dutch Colloquium in arts education and published an article in Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy and a chapter on music teaching during the pandemic for a book from The State Conservatory of Uzbekistan.
  • The book Ethnomusicology and Cultural Diplomacy is now in press with Rowman & Littlefield, including chapters by GAME members David Hebert, Marianne Løkke Jakobsen, Stefan Östersjö, and Thanh Thuy Nguyen. Selected authors also gave a panel presentation on this topic for the British Forum for Ethnomusicology in November 2021.
  • GAME members Stefan Östersjö, Thanh Thuy Nguyen, and David Hebert are at work to complete their monograph in February along with Henrik Frisk, titled Shared Listenings: Methods for Transcultural Musicianship and Research (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming).
  • GAME members are now at work on Nordplus and Utforsk grant applications, which are due soon.

Publications, projects and funding

Extensive Scholarly Publications

Numerous research journal articles and chapters in major research handbooks have come from GAME. Several books have also been developed from the GAME milieu, including most recently, Advancing Music Education in Northern Europe (Routledge, 2019), with chapters by four individuals affiliated with the research group: Torunn Bakken Hauge, David Hebert, Tiri Bergesen Schei, and recent Master program graduate Bård Husby.

Other titles affiliated with GAME include Music Glocalization: Heritage and Innovation in a Digital Age (2018, Cambridge Scholars) and International Perspectives on Translation, Education, and Innovation in Japanese and Korean Societies (2018, Springer). The group’s publications have attracted nearly 1000 citations.

List of publications.

Book series

GAME has editorship of a book series distributed on the major academic publisher Rowman & Littlefield press: Deep Soundings—The Lexington Series in Historical Ethnomusicology. The first volume in the Deep Soundings book series coordinated through GAME is being published in summer 2021. It is called Activism through Music During the Apartheid Era and Beyond, by Ambigay Yudkoff. Other volumes will also be published in 2021-2022.

Special Issue

In May 2021, Prof. Hebert published a special issue of the Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education along with students from the new HVL course PhD 911: Non-Western Educational Philosophy and Policy. Next, a book will be developed from this project. The course will be offered again in Autumn 2021.

Current projects

  • Music Professions and Musical Heritage of Western Norway: Research and Development for Production of Educational Outreach Videos and MOOCs
  • Digital Competence and Digitized Musical Heritage (3-year project through Nordic Network for Music Education)
  • Viking Music Project (fieldwork at Nordic early Medieval heritage sites, analysis of artifacts, and interviews with archaeologists, museologists, musicians, etc.; collaboration with Jonathan McCollum in co-authored book for Bloomsbury press)
  • Harvard Music Preference Project (survey study through School of Public Health)
  • The Recorder in Norwegian Schools (historical study, Rigmor Titt)
  • Development of Postgraduate Programs: Hainan Normal University (PhD courses proposed for tropical free-trade island between China and Vietnam, coordinated by Prof. Jiaxing Xie, China Conservatory); Uganda (collaboration to support development of Master and PhD studies at Makerere University, coordinated by Steinar Saetre)
  • Open Global Music Academy: Development of online collaboration via consultation for Huaxia Yuefu (200 higher music education institutions) in China.
  • Musical Heritage and Cultural Diplomacy (production of a book connected to Cultural Policy international PhD courses at Bergen Summer Research School)
  • “Popular music technologies in Norwegian schools” (co-authored article, by Sondre Brudvik and David Hebert)

GAME has grant funding from four sources for the academic year 2021-2022


Support for the Nordic Network for Music Education for its intensive course Music Learning with Digital Technology and virtual mobility/exchange across 17 partner institutions.

Erasmus Plus

GAME is the academic partner with institutions in Latvia and North Macedonia for the 2-year Music Talks project on music listening practices among youth.


GAME has 6-year Norhed funding from Norad, in collaboration with University of Bergen, as part of the CABUTE project (led by GAME member Steinar Sætre), to develop the first music education PhD program in Uganda.

Swedish Research Council

GAME is hosting a postdoctoral researcher in a 3-year position funded by Swedish Research Council.

GAME is leading an application for the EU’s 2021 Horizon Europe grant program

With the title Living Sounds, the project is developed by a consortium of prolific engineers, museologists, arts managers, musicologists, composers, and performers from several countries across each part of Europe. Its purpose is to apply state-of-the-art technologies in development of an innovative system that ensures the sustainability of cultural heritage by enabling both museums and musicians to reach new audiences.

Visiting Professors funded for GAME research group

GAME has received funding to invite two new visiting professors from Nordic countries to participate for a few years in the research group in Professor II positions (from 2022):   

We are excited to have this opportunity to share international competence in various research projects. 

GAME has five new members

Dr. Thanh Thuy Nguyen has begun her 3-year postdoctoral research period, funded by Swedish Research Council. She has collaborated with Prof. Hebert in several conference presentations and recently authored a chapter to appear in one of his forthcoming books. They are also co-authors along with Stefan Ostersjo (Lulea University of Technology, Sweden) and Henrik Frisk (Royal Academy of Music, Stockholm) of the book Transcultural Musicianship and Research: Methods for Shared Listening and Performance, forthcoming on Cambridge University Press.

Dr. David Johnson has recently completed his PhD at Lund University and accepted a position as Associate Professor with HVL. He collaborates with Prof. Hebert on the Erasmus-funded Music Talks project and applications for both the EU’s MSCA postdoctoral researcher and Horizon Europe grant programs.

Marianne Løkke Jakobsen has served for several years as Head of International Relations for the Royal Danish Academy of Music, Copenhagen, where she has led projects in collaboration with Chinese musicians. She has co-authored a chapter for one of Prof. Hebert’s forthcoming books and now has Danish foundation funding for PhD studies. Marianne's doctoral dissertation at Aalborg University is co-supervised by Prof. Hebert.   

Dr. Heather Paudler Arghandeh is an ethnomusicologist with PhD from Florida State University who holds a position as Postdoctoral Researcher for a community development research project at HVL-Sogndal campus. She has extensive teaching experience from university work in the United States. 

Odd Torleiv Furness is a musicologist with PhD from University of Oslo who is now Associate Professor of Music at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences. He is researching deep learning in music, and is also a guitarist and composer. From 2022, he collaborates with Prof. Hebert and David Johnson in the Erasmus-funded Music Talks project.   

Researching beyond retirement  

The latest GAME member to retire from full-time teaching at HVL, Rigmor Titt continues her ground-breaking research on the history of the recorder (flute) in Norwegian schools. She expects to finish her monograph within one year.

China Project Development

During the period of his professorship in Bergen, GAME leader David Hebert has been invited to China several times per year, where he has lectured for 12 universities. This activity led to a cooperation with the Confucius Institute Bergen to establish a unique program for learning of Chinese instruments in Bergen as well as a project to establish PhD studies in music education on the tropical island of Hainan, China.