Master projects

HVL Robotics has a number of master project proposals available within human-robot cooperation, soft robots, mobile robots and robot manipulator arms. Many projecs are given with an external company as a client or sponsor for the project. Do not hesitate to get in touch if you are curious about a master project in robotics not listed - we very much welcome new ideas to exiting projects!

Master project proposals in Robotics:

Master projects proposals in Human-Robot Cooperation, Soft robots, Mobile robots and Robot manipulator arms, and master projects linked to industry partners and ongoing research project will be published continously at this page:

  1. Navigation and autonomy for mobile robots for raspberry production [industry partner][ongoing research project][FutuRaPS]
  2. Robot learning for human-robot cooperation [ongoing research project][Teknoløft]
  3. Human-motion estimation using wearable sensors (IMUs) and cameras [ongoing research project]
  4. Robotic crushing of recycled material for solar cell industry[industry partner]
  5. Robotic stacking of recycled material for solar cell - RobotTetris [industry partner]
  6. Robotic refilling of material from elastic bags for solar cell industry [industry partner]
  7. Robotic handling of reusable surgical equipment [industry partner][ongoing research project]
  8. Robotic identification and handling of flexible textiles for cleaning [industry partner]
  9. Human-Robot Cooperation, Soft robots, Mobile robots and Robot arms - a range of different projects [ongoing projects]
  10. Robots for inspection and maintenance of the CERN particle accelerator [international stay]

More topics to be published - contact us if interested

Master project details

More details on the different proposed master projects:

1. FutuRaPS: Enabling autonomous navigation for an Alitrak platform in challenging environments

The primary objective of this project is to empower the Alitrak platform with autonomous navigation capabilities. This involves augmenting its sensor suite by incorporating Lidar and GPS-RTK technologies. Furthermore, the creation and implementation of a comprehensive ROS-based navigation stack, enabling both local and global navigation, with functionalities such as point-to-point navigation and obstacle avoidance.  


2. Robot learning for human-robot cooperation

[ongoing research project]

Multiple project proposals possible - either linked to building small robot arms or mobile robots that can learn new behaviour (either through reinforcement learning or through human demonstrations). Contact us to discuss.

 3. Human-motion estimation using wearable sensors (IMUs) and cameras 

[ongoing research project]

Multiple directions possible with main goal to create a reliable low-cost human motion estimation system that can both be used to cooperate with robot arms, or to measure human motions linked the health applications (such as rehabilitation after stroke). Get in touch to discuss. 

4. Robotic crushing of recycled material for solar cell industry

[industry partner]

Mål : Utvikle eit kamerabasert bildegjennkjenningssystem for å finne bitane som ein robot skal knuse ved å slå direkte på dei bitane som er for store.

Bakgrunn: Resirkbiter (5-30 kg) blir i dag knust manuelt med hammer og sikta i ulike storleik-fraksjonar ved ei PUR-matte. Personen med hammar ser på bitane vurdere om dei er for store eller ikkje og knuser ihht til augemål. Så blir det sikta i ulike fraksjonar. Denne prosessen kan automatiserast med mange fordeler som redusert bemanning og belastning, meir homogen storleik som kan justerast, og redusert knusing ved å unngå å knuse det som er lite nok som vil redusere mengde støv som igjen reduserer tapet og forbetrer produksjonsprosessen.

5. Robotic stacking of recycled material for solar cell - RobotTetris 

[industry partner]

Mål : utvikle eit kamerabasert robotsystem som legg bit for bit ala tetris.

Bakgrunn : Ein fyller digelen med resirkbiter manuelt ved augemål plukke biter som ein trur passer. Avhengig av operatør og ferdigheiter så vil ein t.d. plukke biter som er for lange og skraper opp innsida på digelen. Denne skaden skaper strukturtap i produksjonsprosessen. 

6. Robotic refilling of material from elastic bags for solar cell industry

[industry partner]

Mål : utvikle ein robotisert løysing der ein, potensielt frå opning av pappkasser til å løfte opp fleksible poser med refill-materiale, opne dei og heilt fram til å tømme dei i beholder.

Bakgrunn: I ein fabrikk vil ein måtte tømme ein 10kg pose kvart halvminutt. Dei kjem i dag på pall og i pappkasser som skal opnast. Inni kassen ligg 10kg  polyposer i dobbel-pose. Ein kapper ytterposen og trekk innerposen ut av ytterposen. Så kutter ein innerposen og heller oppi produksjonsbeholderen. Dette er manuelt og skaper nakke-rygg problem. Dette bør kunne løysast ved å bruke ein cobot - eventuelt i lag med ein person.  

7. Robotic handling of reusable surgical equipment

[industry partner][ongoing research project]

Three different directions are possible within the project:

  1. 3D instrument and position classification of reusable surgical equipment (RSE)
    • The goal is to classify types of RSE visible in a cluttered bin, identify one or more top candidates for picking, and find the 3D position of the top candidate(s). Available 3D imaging technologies for random bin-picking of highly reflective objects will be explored (stereographic, time-of-flight, structured light).
  2. Bin picking reusable surgical equipment (RSE)
    • The goal is to enable grasping of the different types of RSE in a cluttered environment with possible overlap between objects.
  3. Washing reusable surgical equipment using robotics (RSE)
    • The goal is to create a pre-cleaning system with minimal maintenance requirements and little wear and tear on RSEs. Exploring soft mechanical brushes, chemical agents, compressed air and combinations of these as possibilities.

8. Robotic identification and handling of textiles for cleaning

[industry partner]

The project can take different directions. One possibility is to develop a system that classifies a textile garment (coat, trouser, etc.) and selects a grasping point to grip, and move/sort the textile to a pick-up point/sorting bin. An extension on this is to manipulate the textile to read off an ID-tag (RFID) to uniquely identify the textile.   

10. Robots for inspection and maintenance of the CERN particle accelerator

[international stay]

The particle accelerator at CERN develops their own inspection and maintenance robots to service the large 27-km collidor 100m under ground, and invites students to help develop robots to solve a wide range of different challenges. Typically, the master project would have 6 months in Norway for development etc., and then a 6-month stay at CERN to implement the robot system in the field. Financial support is available for this international stay.