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ING171 Classical mechanics

Course description for academic year 2021/2022

Contents and structure

The course gives a general introduction to mechanics. Main topics include kinematics, Newtons laws, work and energy, impulse, momentum, center of mass, moment of inertia and angular momentum. Instruction will be based on teaching methods that promote ability in reasoning and argumentation based on fundamental laws, principles and concepts in the course.

Learning Outcome

The student knows:

  • Kinematics in two and three dimensions
  • The structure of Newtonian mechanics.
  • Newton's laws for translational and rotational motion.
  • Conservation laws for collisions, both translational and rotational motion.
  • The conditions relating to the use of different laws and principles.
  • The use of models and area of application.

The student can perform:

  • Calculations based on Newtonian mechanics, both translational and rotational motion.
  • Use of good and clear sketches as part of problem solving.
  • Laboratory work including teamwork and scientific report writing.

The student can:

  • Explain physical problems and solution methods to others, both in writing and orally.
  • Use tools from physics to find solutions in other technical fields.
  • Recognize simple physical laws which are expressed in complex technologies.

Entry requirements


Recommended previous knowledge

2FY / Physics 1

3MX / R2


Teaching methods

Lectures, flipped classrom, exercises, and laboratory work. The primary language of instruction for the lectures and all forms of evaluation (examinations, portfolios, and other work) will be Norwegian. However, some lectures and tutorials may be given in English.

Compulsory learning activities

1: One laboratory exercise approved. If the student has had the right to previously take the exame this compulsory assignment is considered fulfilled.

2: Three tests. Valid for 2 semesters. 

3: Two written assignments. Valid for 2 semesters. 


Written exam, 3 hours

Grade:  A - E / F (failed).

Examination support material

Simple calculator: Allowed calculator is Casio fx-82 (all varieties: ES, ES Plus, EX, Solar etc.)

More about examination support material