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Master of Science in Business

Master's degree programme

Are you interested in marketing, management or regional economy?

Bergen, Haugesund, Sogndal

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    HVL offers students at three campuses (Bergen, Haugesund and Sogndal) a higher degree in business, equivalent to «siviløkonom». To comply with the requirements for the title “siviløkonom” the MSC is built with a common minor component in Innovation (30 credits) and a specific major component from three different academic disciplines. In Bergen the program offers a major in management, in Haugesund a major in regional economy and in Sogndal a major in marketing. The choice of profile for each campus is based on core expertise within the academic staff developed through research and teaching over the years. For further details see the study plan.

    To achieve the “siviløkonom” title the candidate needs a fulfilled bachelor's degree in Business Administration. Students from other academic traditions, like the other bachelor's programmes in Sogndal, such as Tourism Management, Real Estate Management and more, will not qualify for the title “siviløkonom”.

    The MSB program builds a solid and relevant bridge between the existing bachelor education in our 8 business related bachelor programs at the faculty of economics and social sciences and the PhD education in Responsible Innovation and regional development (RESINNREG). Candidates graduating from the MSB are qualified to apply for the PHD program.



    In the second term MSB students have compulsory internship either in connection with the three campuses or abroad (USA and South Africa). As such the MSB has a working life-oriented profile linking academia and local industry and companies located at the three campuses.

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