BIN-Norden 2023 Conference

"Child-Cultures: Landscapes for play, art, and explorations" Bergen 10. and 11.05.2023

Children are actors and constructors of cultures in their social participation and play. Nordic childhood is often referred to as an ideal one in this regard. However, recognising the complexities of our world today, there is a need for reconceptualizing children and child culture across boundaries and landscapes. In these landscapes, established boundaries and dichotomised oppositions between children’s agency and childhoods as social constructions, children as being and becoming, play and learning, leisure and education, protection and freedom, need to be challenged. The conference Child-cultures: Landscapes for play, art and exploration, therefore, invites scholars, practitioners, researchers, artists, students, and policymakers to debates and dialogs about how to meet such challenges when facilitating children’s free time, education and entertainment.

The conference Child-cultures: Landscapes for play, art and exploration aims at strengthening the cooperation between research and practices, among different disciplines as well as between cultures among children and cultures made for children (arts, entertainment, playgrounds, education, and designs). Cultures made among and for children are not only constructed by involved participants, but also situated in ecological, social, political, economic, ideological, and material landscapes.  

We welcome contributions about play, art, and explorations, in a number of contexts.

Sign up for the conference - the registration is closed

Important dates

25.01.23 deadline for abstract submission

Submission link: 

15.03.23 deadline for registration (for the conference, for conference dinner)

Practical information

The conference fee is 1500 NOK, this includes lunch and coffee. 

Price for the conference dinner is 1000 NOK, and will be at Bryggen Tracteursted.


We have an agreement with Scandic Ørnen, they have booked a room block for participants at the conference. The price for a room is NOK 1890 per night. Book a hotel room and pay yourself via link here. Use the promo code BHVL100523 on the website.

You have to book before 10.03.23. After this date the unbooked rooms will be released.

You can also find hotels yourself at or airbnb.



Download Abstract book

Submission Guidelines

  • Title
  • Background, aims, methods, results and implications for practice 
  • 250 words
  • Indicate one or two of the given keystrands of relevance for your presentation 
  • Provide 4-5 key words
  • Provide full name, e-mail addresses and affiliations for all the presenters/authors
  • Contact person and email adress
  • Indicate which type of presentation you will do:
    Self-organised symposium


Download the BIN Norden 2023 Program

Download the parallelle sessions here

Onsdag 10.05.23 -oversikt

10.00-11.00 Påmelding, morgenkaffe og prat 
11.00-11.15 Kulturarrangement  
11.00-11.25 Velkommen ved HVL rektor Gunnar Yttri og BIN-NORDEN leder Niels-Peder Osmundsen Hjøllund 
11.25-11.30 Åpningsord ved konferanseleder Silje Christiansen  
11.30-12.00 Keynote Alicja Sadownik
12.00-13.00 Lunsj
13.00-14.00 Parallelle økter 1
14.00-14.15 Gå i stykker
14.15-15.15 Parallelle økter 2
15.15-15.30 Gå i stykker
15.30-16.30 Parallelle økter 3
19.30 Konferansemiddag på  Bryggen Tracteursted for forhåndspåmeldte


Torsdag 11.05.23

08.15-08.30 Morgenkaffe og prat
08.30-08.45 Kulturarrangement
08.45-08.50 God morgen og velkommen av Czarecah Tupil Oropilla 
08.50-09.20 Keynote Ditte Alexandra Winther-Lindqvist  
09.20-09.30 Presentasjon av NORBARN  
09.30-09.45 Kaffe og t ransisjon parallell økt s 
09.45-10.45 Parallelle økter 4
10.45-11.00 Gå i stykker
11.00-12.00 Parallelle økter 5
12.00-12.45 Lunsj


Styreleder Maria Grindheim, deltakere Helle Marie Skovbjerg, Elin Eriksen Ødegaard, Maria Øksnes, Janne Robbestad, Charlotte Blanche Myrvold  

13.45-13.55 Hanne Kusk introduserer det nordiske forskningsnettverket BLÆK (Børn, Leg, Æstetik, Kunst) 
13.55-14.00 Avslutning av konferansen og trygg hjemreise  


  • pedagogy and design for play and exploration,
  • child cultures in institutionalized childhoods,
  • contemporary understanding of child-cultures and childhood in Nordic contexts,
  • materials as co-actors in children’s exploration and play,
  • play and exploration in schools,
  • digital exploration,
  • outdoors as context for exploration and play,
  • play, exploration, and sustainability,
  • children’s bodily exploration,
  • economization and/or learnification of childhood,
  • children’s landscapes,
  • intergenerational landscapes for play, exploration, arts and/or design,
  • children’s right to informal play,
  • the non-pedagogical side of exploration and play, 
  • co-research between the educational sector, the cultural sector, organisations, business and academia and researchers

Open call: Child Cultures: Landscapes for play, art, and explorations

BUKS Journal of Child and Youth Cultures, vol. XX/2024


Children are actors and constructors of cultures in their social participation and play. Nordic childhood is often referred to as an ideal one in this regard. However, recognizing the complexities of our world today, there is a need for reconceptualising children and child culture across boundaries and landscapes. In these landscapes, established boundaries and dichotomized oppositions between children’s agency and childhoods as social constructions, children as being and becoming, play and learning, leisure and education, protection, and freedom, need to be challenged. At the BIN-Norden Conference in May 2023 it will be explored through discussions how to understand and approach such challenges when facilitating children’s free time, education and entertainment.

In this issue of BUKS – Journal of Child and Youth Cultures, we invite researchers, artists, and practitioners to continue the discussions initiated at the conference. The journal has always been a vibrant meeting place for the actual discussions on children’s cultures, art and explorations and will continue to do so. In this issue, we want to do this through describing and analysing examples and formulating explorative and as well as critical perspectives on the possibilities and challenges when approaching and supporting child cultures in society and education.

Your contribution can be peer-reviewed or not depending on your choosing. It can contain images, links and drawings as an important part of the text. The text can be delivered in English, Danish, Swedish or Norwegian. The written text is max. 5000 words plus references and a biography of no more than 200 words.

Important deadlines

  • Send an abstract of max. 600 words on the 1st of June 2023 to the mail below and note if you want it peer-reviewed and if you intend to use images, etc.:
  • Acceptance or rejection 30th of June 2023
  • Deadline for manuscript submission 30th of November 2023
  • You send your finish text 28th of October 2023
  • Deadline for peer-review 28th of February 2024
  • Deadline for the author’s revision of the article 2nd of June 2024
  • Deadline for editorial remarks and minor changes 1st of August 2024
  • Expected release 15th of August 2024
  • Webinar together with BIN-Norden with keynotes 15th of August 2024



BIN-Norden (Children's Culture Researchers in the Nordic Countries) is a Nordic, multidisciplinary research network that is intended to support Nordic children's culture research. The network focuses on humanistic and aesthetic approaches to children's culture, but is also open to researchers with other approaches. BIN-Norden has over 200 members. Most are active researchers, but the network also includes intermediaries, artists and people who primarily work with cultural administration.

The BIN-Norden was established in conjunction with a Nordic symposium "Children's folklore in transformation" in Aaland in 1988. A working group consisting of Christer Dominder from Sweden, Flemming Mouritsen from Denmark, Åse Enerstvedt and Ivar Selmer-Olsen from Norway was established.

Initially, they were preoccupied with children's folklore and children's own culture. In the mid-90s, there was also a focus on culture for and with children. At the same time, the network was more formalized with a steering committee and grants from the Nordic Council of Ministers.

The BIN-Norden is led by a Nordic steering committee with representatives from all the Nordic countries and the chairmanship and secretariat functions are changing.

From 1988 BIN-Norden has had the following leadership:

  • Christer Dominder; Sweden 1988 - 1996
  • Ivar Selmar-Olsen; Norway 1997 - 2003
  • Beth Juncker; Denmark 2003 - 2013
  • Jorunn Spord Borgen, leader and Elin Eriksen Ødegaard co-leader, Norway 2013 – 2017
  • Helle Marie Skovbjerg and Niels-Peder Osmundsen Hjøllund 2018-


KINDknow is a centre for kindergarten research at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, funded by the Research Council of Norway. Our goal is to contribute new knowledge and new practices, particularly within the fields of Education for Diversity and Sustainable Futures.

Read more about KINDknow here.



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If you have any questions please contact us

bilde av Aihua Hu

Aihua Hu

Associate Professor

