Research in Learning and Teaching (RiLT)

RiLT has emerged from a master program for teachers; Master in Learning and teaching at campus Sogndal. Our research is related to both primary, secondary and higher education.

Main topics for the research are learning, assessment, motivation, classroom management, mentoring, inclusive education, pedagogical entrepreneurship, digital learning and pedagogy in higher education.  


Teachers` use of abstract and concrete tools in teaching in lower secondary school 

Contact: Glenn Kjerland 

Learning- and assessment dialogues in the classroom.

Observation study in lower secondary school. 
Contact: Eirik S. Jenssen/ Ann Karin Sandal 

School Inspection and professional development?

Study of county governors` school inspections 
Contact: Thorvald Moen 

Teachers` competence development related to psychological health in school (KLAPP). 

PhD- project 
Contact: Solrunn Samnøy 

Systematic observation 

Karin S. Street is involved in an international research network in systematic observation which have received funding from UH-nett Vest to pilot and establish a research application for external funding. 

The aim of the project is to develop and pilot video-based mentoring of teacher education students during placement practice periods in schools. The mentoring emphasis teacher-pupil interactions promoting pupils` social and educational/ subject specific achievements and is anchored in the theoretical framework Teaching Through Interaction (TTI) and the observation tool Classroom Assessment Scoring System (Pianta et al. 2012). The project will benefit from the competence in systematic video-based observation and mentoring across the involved teacher education institutions, which also will contribute to teacher educators` professional development in systematic observation. The international research network meets once a year (4th time in 2020) and will be used as resource in the development f the intervention and discussion of the results. 

Use of video for enhancing quality in teacher education

(production of video files from classrooms for use in teaching in teacher education) 

Contact: Karin S. Street 

Systematic observation in video based supervision of teacher education students during practice placement 

Contact: Karin S. Street 


Faugstad, R. & Jenssen, E.S. (2019). Læreres opplevelse av muligheter i skole-hjem-samarbeidet. Nordisk tidsskrift for utdanning og praksis 2019: Volum 13.(1) s. 98-110 

Fimreite, H. & Fossøy, I. (2018). Kunnskap i endring. Kollegaveiledning som innfallsvinkel til utvikling av lærande barnehagar.. Nordic Studies in Education 2018; Volum 38.(1) Suppl. 2018 s. 52-66 

Fossøy, I. & Haara, F.O. (2016). Training Master Thesis Supervisors within a Professional Learning Community. International Journal of Higher Education, 5(4) s. 184-193 

Fossøy, I. (2013). Korleis gjere det vanskelege mindre vanskeleg, og det utydelege meir tydeleg? Kvalifisering av rettleiarar for nyutdanna lærarar - med fokus på samtalerettleiing. FoU i praksis, 7(3) s. 83-103. 

Sandal, A.K & Tveit, I. (2017). Klasseleiing – lærarerfaringar frå ungdomstrinnsatsinga. Kap 8 i Postholm et al. Ungdomstrinn i utviklingEn antologi. Universitetsforlaget.  

Sandal, A.K. (2019). Korleis opplever elevar møtet med yrkesfaglege utdanningsprogram? Kap 6 i Streitlien, Å. & Aakre, B. M. (Red.) Det store spranget. Oslo: Cappelen Damm.   

Sandal, A.K. (2019). Utfordringar og mulegheiter i overgangsprosessen frå ungdomssteget til vidaregåande opplæring. Kap 5. i Å. & Aakre, B. M. (Red.) Det store sprangetOslo: Cappelen Damm 

Sekkingstad, D. & Fossøy, I. (2019). «It partly breaks up the class environment” – experiences with flipped classroom as a teaching model in higher education. I: Helgesen, Ø. mfl. (red): Modellar – Fjordantologien 2019. (s. 396-418). Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.  

Sekkingstad, D.& Syse, . (2019). “Spør oss vi vil bidra” – lærarar som lokomotiv for å fremje skuleutvikling – ein mogleg modell. I: Helgesen, Ø. mfl. (red): Modell – Fjordantologien 2019. (s. 347-455). Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.  

Sekkingstad, D. & Fossøy, I. (2018). Høgare utdanning: Kva undervisararar tenkjer om si eiga undervisning. Bedre Skole 2018 (1) s. 56-61. 

Sekkingstad, D. & Fossøy, I. (2017). Det er krevjande å tilpasse seg studentane sine behov - refleksjonar over eigen undervisningspraksis. I: Immateriell kapital. Fjordantologien 2017. s. 201-217. 

Street, K. E. S., Malmberg, L-E & Stylianides, G.J. (2018). Investigating self-efficacy expectations and mastery experiences across a sequence of lessons in mathematics. In Bergqvist, E., Ôsterholm, M., Granberg, C., & Sumpter, L. (Eds.) (2018). Proceedings of the 42nd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol. 4). Umeå, Sweden: PME   

Street, K.E.S., Malmberg, L-E & Stylianides, G.J. (2017) Level, strength, and facet-specific self-efficacy in mathematics test performance. ZDM- The International Journal on Mathematics Education 49(3), 379-395 

Street, K.E.S., Malmberg, L-E, & Stylianides, G.J. (2017) Self-Efficacy and mathematics performance: Reciprocal relationships. Proceedings of the Tenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 10) 

Sørlie, K.E. & Söderlund, G. (2015): Mestringsforventninger og regionale forskjeller. In Langfeldt, Gjert (ed.): Skolens kvalitet skapes lokalt. Bergen, Fagbokforlaget. 

Uglum, M.I. (2019). Meistringsopplevingar i den vidaregåande skulen. Spesialpedagogikk 2019 (2) s. 40-49


Kvinneleg lærar sittande ved pult med to elevar.

This research group is part of the research program Practice, Professionalism and Policy in Educational Research (PUF)

Head of Research Group