Movement and Function (BeFu)
The research group aims to contribute to knowledge in order to understand how diseases and ailments can arise, be treated and prevented. The research fields are related to body, movement and function in a life span perspective.
The theoretical basis for the research is anchored in natural science, social science, and humanistic knowledge, recognizing that there are many different factors that contributes the health, disease and function
Both physical and psychological stress can manifest in bodily responses, potentially influencing the developement of illnesses. Therefore, physical illness is interpreted in the context of individuals past experiences, their present situtation, as well as social and cultural influences. This understanding serves as a solid framework for comprehending the emergance, treatment and prevention of various conditions.
The research group engage in theoretical and clinical research, both within mono-professional and interdisciplinary teams.
Group members are also activly engaged in teaching within the Bachelor's program in Physiotherapy and the Masters's program in Clinical Physiotherapy. Additionally, some members participate in teaching the PhD program in Health, Function and Participation, specifically in the subjects PHD908 Intervention Studies and PHD902 Scientific Theory, Ethics and Academic Writing.
Thematic research areas in BeFu:
- Long-term musculoskeletal disorders / alleviation of mental disorders, life stresses, crises, and trauma. Examination, and treatment as well as conditions related to work opportunity and health.
- Examination, treatment and prognisis of prolonged dizziness.
- Heart and lung disorders, including rehabilitation, exercise, physical capability and respiration in extremily premature infants, adolescents and adults.
- Balance and mobility in elderly with hearing impairments.
- Development and validation of measurement instruments.
- Children and adolescents with overweight and obesity.
- Intensive rehabilitation for individuals with COPD and late symptoms after Covid-10 infection (in collaboration with Helse i Hardanger).
- Rehabilitation patients in private rehabilitation institutions within specialized healthcare services.
- Use of digital tools in patient care.
- Research on health literacy.
- Return to sports after anterior cruciate ligament surgery.
- Motor skills developement in infants and measurement instruments for this group.
Ongoing research projects
- Assessment and treatment of patients with long-term dizziness in primary care.
- Physiotherapists' competance within the field of work participation and health.
- Musculoskeletal disorders - prevalence, scope and consequences for patients with persistent vestibular hypofunction.
- Reduced hearing, balance and mobility in the elderly.
- Rehabilitation Cohort West (REKOVE).
- PhD-project: Youth and physical education, physical activity and joy of movement.
- PhD-project: Task shifting in primary care: musculoskeletal framework development, workforce training, and opportunities for service improvement.
- Operative treatment (fusion) versus multidisciplinary rehabilitation in individuals with lower back pain.
Completed research projects
- Physical and cognitive function in children born extremely premature.
- Anterior Cruciate Ligament - Return to Sport after Injury Scale: Translation, cross cultural adaptation and validation of the Norwegian version.
- Exercise capacity and breathing pattern in patients with chronic obstruktive pulmonary disease - Bergen COPD Cohort study.
- Outcomes following PDA surgery in extremely preterm born subjects.
- It`s all in my head now – Readiness for return to sport after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.
- Bergen COPD Cohort study
- Motor Function in Infants Attending Primary Care: Assessment and associations with maternal folic acid and multivitamin intake during pregnancy.
- A video and treadmill project - testing balance during walking.
- Infant motor development in Norway. Norm references for Infant Motor Profile and associations between motor profile, medical birth registry, nutrition, sleep and parent-reported questionnaire on infant development.
- Physiotherapy and Refugees Education Project (PREP).
Head of research group
Deputy leader
Associated members
PhD Candidates
External members
- Målfrid Råheim, UiB
- Silje Mæland, UiB
- Susanne Sørensen Hernes, UiB
- Anette Hylen Ranhoff, UiB
- Liv Inger Strand, UiB
- Nina Langeland, UiB
- Stein Helge Glad Nordahl, UiB og Nasjonalt Kompetansetjeneste for Vestibulære sykdommer og Nasjonalt
- Frederik K. Goplen, UiB og Nasjonalt kompetansesenter for vestibulære sykdommer
- Steinar Birkeland, HLF
- Nina-Margrethe Theodorsen, rådgiver
- Tove Bergan, spesialrådgiver
- Trond Sjøbø, psykologspesialist
- Heidi Ann Fiske, psykomotoriker
- Birgit Juul-Kristensen
- Aarid Liland-Olsen, Haukeland Universitetssjukehus
- Tori Smedal, Haukeland Universitetssjukehus
- Eivind Inderhaug, Haraldsplass
- Torbjørn Strand, Haraldsplass
- Trine Hysing-Dahl, Haraldsplass
- Anne Gro Heyn Faleide, Haraldsplass
- Signe Nilssen Stafne, NTNU
- Inger-Lise Aamot Aksetøy, NTNU
- Christine Råheim Borge, UiO og Lovisenberg Diakonale sykehu
- Anners Lerdal, UiO og Lovisenberg Diakonale sykehu
- Hege Hølmo Johannessen, Høgskolen i Østfold
- Edith Lunde,Regionalt kompetansesenter for habilitering og rehabilitering i Helse Vest
International partners