Associate Professor

Ann-Katrin Grotle

Field of work

My background and primary interest are in cardiovascular and exercise physiology. My research focuses on the cardiovascular consequences of disease and lifestyle behaviors such as prolonged sitting and physical inactivity and the therapeutic effects of exercise (exercise medicine) and alternative or adjuvant strategies mimicking some of the effects of exercise. This research aims to inform and develop effective and safe therapeutic strategies to improve overall health. I am also interested in football and have previous experience as a competitive player and coach. I previously worked to implement strategies that focused on injury prevention and physical capacity in highly competitive women's and men's football players.  

  • Bachelor and Master degree in exercise science (idrettsvitenskap), The University of Texas at San Antonio
  • PhD, Kinesiology and Helath Education specializing in exercise physiology (treningsfysiologi), The University of Texas at Austin.
  • Postdoctor fellowship, Human Neural Cardiovascular Control laboratory, The University of Texas at Arlington.

Please get in touch if you are interested in collaboration

Find me at:



Courses taught
  • Physical activity and health (Bachelor in public health with a focus on physical activity and nutrition)
  • Health prevention and promotion through physical activity (Bachelor in sport, exercise, and health)
  • Sports nutrition 

Research areas
  • Blood pressure regulation
  • Cardiovascular health
  • Exercise physiology

Research groups

Multidisciplinary research group on Health, Sports and Function

Sport and health psychology


Courses taught
  • BIDR211, Preventive Physical Activity, 24/25
  • FHA1112, Bachelor thesis, 24/25, subject responsible
  • FHA318, Basics in nutrition and health, 24/25
  • FHA612, Training and health, 24/25
  • FHA812, Physical activity and health promotional work, 24/25
  • FHA912, Public health nutrition work , 24/25
  • IDF301, Nutrition for Sport and Health, 24/25
  • LUPEKI203, Exercise?science in school, 24/25
  • LUPEKI204, Research and Development Assignment: The Researching Teacher, 24/25, subject responsible
  • LUPEKI301, Exercise physiology and sport nutrition, 24/25, subject responsible
  • LUPEKI303, Sports and?exercise?science, 24/25
  • MGUKØ503, Physical education 3, module 3 - Theory and research in physical education and professional development, 24/25
  • MGUKØ550, Physical Education 3, module 4 - Master's thesis, 24/25
  • MIDR401, Perspectives on movement , 24/25
  • MIDR550, Master's thesis in sport science, 24/25
  • PT104, The role of the Personal Trainer, 24/25


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