Arts Education Didactology Research
The DACE Research Group focuses on the didactological interplay within and between school subjects such as the Arts and Humanities, PE, and Science in different contexts and forms of teaching and education.
Head of research group
- To develop research-based knowledge and experience connected to practical, aesthetical, and embodied learning processes and teaching in kindergarten, schools, teacher education and other arenas for education.
- Initiate and carry out research and innovation projects in the public sector connected to relevant topics for the research group.
- Initiate and carry out projects connected to arts, aesthetics, culture and creativity for education and Bildung, and in cooperation with local, regional, national and international actants.
- Promote and carry out active science communication and application work connected to the activities in the research group.
- Develop research-based resources for teachers and students to promote research -based education.
The research group has four Ph.d candidates, all involved in ongoing or finished externally funded research projects developed together with Department for Arts Education, the research groups KUL, KVANTE and the CASE center.
Research projects
Our project portfolio consists of several externally funded projects from Norwegian Research Council, Erasmus +, Horizon 2020 and others.
Our research activities are hosted by the CASE-center. More information to be found in the webpages of the CASE center, where you also will find more information about researchers and projects. See CASE Centre: Projects and Archived Projects.
You can follow the development of our projects and activities in the Spotlight pages at the CASE center.

- Ann-Helen Odberg
- Anne-Beate Ulveseth Lilletvedt
- Kirsti Aksnes
- Gunhild Sofie Aadland Rolfsnes
- Gunn Tone Iversen
- Helga Aadland
- Ingfrid Veka
- Jonas Cisar Romme
- Kari Grutle Nappen
- Kari Mette Holdhus
- Liv Ingrid Fjellanger
- Magne Ingolv Espeland
- Marit Kulild
- Marte Aadland Simonsen
- Odd Torleiv Furnes
- Oded Ben-Horin
- Rebecca Almås
- Synnøve Kvile
- Åsmund Espeland