Public availability of the doctoral thesis

Printing of the thesis

Once the thesis is approved for a public defence, you need to send the thesis manuscript to be printed. Before sending the thesis to be printed, make sure that the thesis has been entered in the HVL's template for doctoral thesis, and you must ask the library c/o Monica Bjorheim ( for allocation of an ISBN number. Contact the faculty /PhD coordinator for a clarification on how many copies are to be printed. The Communication Division in Bergen takes care of getting the thesis printed. The thesis manuscript to be printed is sent to the Communication Division at e-mail address no later than three weeks before the public defence.

Please take note that the printing company distributes 5 of the copies to the library (three of these go to the National Library) and delivers the remaining copies to the faculty. The faculty ensures that a sufficient number of copies are available in the disputation venue in advance of the public defence.

Publication of the thesis in HVL’s Knowledge Archive

In addition to delivering printed copies of the thesis to the library, you must submit one digital copy for publication in the HVL Knowledge Archive. Send the thesis to the Knowledge Archive at e-mail address The archiving will take place within the framework of the agreements entered into between the author and publisher of published material included in the PhD thesis and will occur when the copyright is cleared.

Press release

To make your thesis known to the public, you must write a press release that provides a popular scientific representation of your research results. Please note that the press release must be in Norwegian. Examples can be found on the HVL webpage with published press releases.  The summary you submitted with the thesis may provide a good point of departure for the press release. The press release is delivered to the Communication Division, which will quality-assure, publish and distribute it. Enclose a photograph of yourself along with the press release. Employees of HVL can order a portrait photo at HVL.

The press release and photo should be sent to the Communication Division at e-mail address no later than three weeks before the public defence.