Arbeids- og kompetanseområde
Alicja R. Sadownik associate professor at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences and Kindergarten Knowledge Centre for Systemic Research on Diversity and Sustainable Futures. She researchers on:
- childhood(s) and migration
- parental engagement with early childhood education and care (ECEC) settings
- migrant and refugee parents' experience of transition to Norweign ECEC
- social sustainability
- superdiversity
Underviser i
- Barnehagelærerutdanning BACHELOR nivå: Pedagogikk i LSU1 (Ledelse, samarbeid, utviklingsarbeid)
- Barnehagelærerutdanning BACHELOR nivå: bachelor-oppgave (veileder)
- Master i Barnehagekunnskap: Ledelse av kvalitetsutvikling i barnehage
- Master i Barnehagekunnskap: Masteroppgave (veileder)
- International bachelor course: Sustainable Development by Involvement
- PhD programm: Danning og didaktiske praksiser; kurs: Kindergarten as an arena for cultural formation (PhD 907)
- PhD programm: Danning og didaktiske praksiser: Bi-veileder
Forskar på
- My research focuses on socio-economic inequalities, cultural diversity, and migration in relation to early childhood education and care (ECEC). I publish in academic journals with high impact factors and in professional journals for (ECEC) teachers in Norwegian, Polish, and Croatian. The phenomenon of migration is strongly connected to my life experiences. My areas of interest are as follows:
- Children and migration
- ECEC cooperation with migrant parents
- Bullying as result of growing socio-economic inequalities
- Belonging and participation of migrant children in the ECEC context
- ECE as arena for trust in multi- and intercultural societies
- I am interested in cooperation in EEA-grants of all kinds, H2020 as well as Horizon Europe proposals.
Barnehage som (ut)danningsarena
- BACH301, Bacheloroppgåve, 24/25, emneansvarlig
- BACHD401, Bacheloroppgåve, 24/25, emneansvarlig
- MBAS513, Leiing av kvalitetsutvikling i barnehagen, 24/25
- PHD916, Ansvarleg leiing av kunnskapsutvikling - å etablere endringsagentar, 24/25
(Re)theorising More-than-parental Involvement in Early Childhood Education and Care
Norwegian polyamorous families and their experiences of kindergarten: a narrative inquiry
Award Acceptance Speech: AVP Editors' Choice Award VJEP article 2022
Noncompliant Learning: Diffracting SpaceTimes, Intra-active Ropes, and a Museum's Roping into the City through a Curious Child
Superdiversity as a trajectory of diversity in Norwegian early childhood education and care: From a collection of differences to participation and becoming