Arbeids- og kompetanseområde
Moi er intensivsykepleier og ansatt som professor II ved masterutdanningen i spesialsykepleie. Hovedinteressen for forskning er oppfølging etter kritisk sykdom, inkludert alvorlige brannskader, med bruk av både kvalitative og kvantitative metoder. Hun er tilknyttet forskningsgruppen " Pasientopplevelser og pasientsikkerhet ved akutt og/eller kritisk sykdom (POPS)".
Underviser i
Forebygging av brannskader
Kvalitative og kvantitative metoder
Forskar på
Helse, livskvalitet
Erfaringer med sykdom og helsetjenester fra et pasient, pårørende og sykepleieperspektiv
Oppfølging etter intensivopphold
Pasientopplevelser og pasientsikkerhet ved akutt og/eller kritisk sykdom (POPS)
- MKS591, Masteroppgåve, Høst 2024
- PHDH908, Intervensjonsstudiar, Høst 2024
Improving Pain Management in the Intensive Care Unit by Assessment
Nurses’ experiences of implementing a hospital-managed home-care programme for preterm infants and their parents
Collaborative learning linking nursing practice and education – Interview study with master's students and teachers
Barneansvarlig sykepleier på intensivavdelingen: muligheter og ulike forventninger
When art meets medicine: Use of flexible laryngoscopy in development of singers’ voices - A Scoping Review
Children's and parents' experiences of home care provided by hospital staff: A scoping review
Photographs in burn patient diaries: A qualitative study of patients’ and nurses’ experiences
Humanising support and follow-up after critical illness Aqualitative study of the experiences of former intensive care patients, their family members and intensiv care nurses
The influence of socio-demographic and clinical factors on sick leave and return to work after open-heart surgery: a nationwide registry-based cohort study
The impact of clinical and sociodemographic factors on sick leave after cardiac surgery
Striving for a safe ground—A lifeworld approach of family members' experiences of the critical illness trajectory
Parents' lived experience of living with and caring for their burn-injured child in a home setting
Feasibility of implementing a surgical patient safety checklist: prospective cross-sectional evaluation
Kliniske og sosiodemografiske faktorer som fører til lengre sykemelding etter hjertekirurgi.
Etniske ulikheter i håndteringen av akutte smerter på akuttmottak eller postoperativ avdeling.
The experience of developing a hybrid curriculum for nurses and master students in health sciences – a collaboration between Norway and Estonia
Nurses and master's student patient safety compentence: A cross-sectional study in Estonia
Instruments for measuring patient safety competencies in nursing: a scoping review
Development and validation of patients' surgical safety checklist
Rehabilitation and Post Burn Survival
Prosjekt MOBI - Opprettelsen av en mobil intensivenhet
Prosjekt MOBI - Opprettelsen av en mobil intensivenhet
Self-reported confidence in patient safety competencies among health sciences master students in Estonia and Norway: A cross-sectional survey
Understanding the Course of Critical Illness Through a Lifeworld Approach
Surgical patients' safety checklist (PASC) - a feasibility study of surgical checklists in a stepped wedge cluster randomized controlled trial
Etniske ulikheter i håndteringen av akutte smerter på akuttmottak eller postoperativ avdeling: en systematisk oversikt, med narrativ syntese
Helsepersonells forventninger og erfaringer med oppstart av avansert hjemme sykehus (AHS) for barn og unge i Helse Bergen
Public health nurses´ experiences with prevention of burns in small children
Return to work after coronary artery bypass grafting and aortic valve replacement surgery- hindering demographic and clinical factors: A scoping review
Helsesykepleieres erfaringer med forebygging av brannskader hos småbarn
Return to work after coronary artery bypass grafting and aortic valve replacement surgery: A scoping review
The Psychological and HRQoL related Aftermaths of Extra Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation Treatment: A Cross‐Sectional Study
Instruments to measure patient safety competencies in nursing
Parents' lived experiences of parental needs for support at a burn centre
“Finding oneself after critical illness”: voices from the remission society
Intensivsykepleierens funksjon og ansvar ved behandling av brannskader
Nå er det tid for å vaske hendene, klippe neglene og binde opp håret.
“I smile, but without showing my teeth”: The lived experience of cleft, lip, and palate in adults
Nurses’ experiences of ICU diaries following implementation of national recommendations for diaries in intensive care units: A quality improvement project
Etterlattes erfaring med intensivdagbok når pasienten dør
Pain relief from nonpharmacological interventions in the intensive care unit: A scoping review
Improved and standardized method for assessing years lived with diablility after burns and its application to estimate the non-fatal burden of disease of burn injuries in Australia, New Zealand and the Netherlands
Recovery of health-related quality of life after burn injuries: An individual participant data meta-analysis
Patients’ and healthcare workers’ recommendations for a surgical patient safety checklist – a qualitative study
Staff members' experience of providing parental support in a national burn centre
Gravid og ambivalent - Kvinners og helsepersonells erfaringer i beslutningsprosessen
To See the Dressings Shrink‐ Critical Care Nurses Experiences with Using Diaries for Burn Patients
The Course of Health Related Quality of Life after Burn Injuries Over Time: A Secondary Data‐Analysis
Establishing Disability Weights and The Burden of Burn Injuries in Australia, New Zealand and The Netherlands
Pregnant and ambivalent. Experiences of women and health personnel in the decision-making process
Support needs of parents of hospitalised children with a burn injury: An integrative review
The creation of meaning : intensive care nurses’ experiences of conducting nurse-led follow-up on intensive care units
Patients’ quest for recognition and continuity in health care: time for a new research agenda?
Beyond autonomy and care: Experiences of ambivalent abortion seekers
Support and needs of parents of burn injured hospitalized children: An integrative review
Support for Parents of Children Hospitalised with Burns: A Review of the Qualitative Literature
Ethanol and Methanol Burn Risks in the Home Environment
Walking on a tightrope - caring for ambivalent women considering abortions in the first trimester
Women's experiences when unsure about whether or not to have an abortion in the first trimester
The provision of nurse-led follow-up at Norwegian intensive care units
Researching lived experiences of pregnant women who considered having, or not having, an abortion in the first trimester. On the basis of Max van Manen's Practical Phenomenology of Life-World Existentials.
Participation in follow-up after critical illness and intensive care - a way to improve the follow-up offer?
Long-Term Study Of Health And Quality Of Life After Burn Injury
Pregnant and ambivalent - Norwegian women’s experiences when ambivalent in the decision-making process in the first trimester
The experience of critical illness illuminated by the concepts of body schema/body image; sense of ownership and agency
Delirium Guidelines European Burns Association
Diaries for ICU patients
The need for effective literature searching for burns research: A timely reminder
Sykepleieledet oppfølging av pasienter og pårørende etter opphold ved norske intensivavdelinger i 2013
The experience of patient diaries in a burn unit from a nursing and patient perspective
Delirium guidelines
A long term follow-up study of health and quality of life after burn injury
Burn injured children referred to in-hospital psychological support 1984-2011
Long term study of health, quality of life and work after burn injury
The lived experience of relationships after major burn injury
European Practice Guidelines for Burn Care - “Return to work“ and “Quality of life” practice guidelines
Burn injured children referred to in-hospital psychological support 1984-2011
The meaning of family after burns
Burns and self-awareness
Pathways leading to health and quality of life in burn injured adults - A structural equation approach
Pathways leading to self-perceived general health and overall quality of life in burned adults
Freedom and quality of life after burn injury. BURNS 2011;37(Suppl 1):O16.4
Helse og livskvalitet hos norske brannskadepasienter
Anchor-based interpretation of patient-reported outcomes after burn injury
Relationships after burns
”Merket for livet eller ny start?” – Langtidsoppfølging av pasienter med brannskade
Livskvalitet hos brannskadepasienten
Livskvalitet hos brannskadepasienten – livet etterpå
Experience of life after burn injury; A new bodily experience disclosed by phenomenology
The experience of life after burn injury: Striving for regained freedom
Health and quality of life in Norwegian burn patients
Life After Burn Injury: Striving for Regained Freedom
The experience of life after burn injury: a new bodily awareness
Pasientrapportert livskvalitet i forskning og klinisk praksis
Helse og livskvalitet hos norske brannskadepasienter
Experience of life after major burn injury
Long-term risk factors for impaired burn-specific health and unemployment in patients with thermal injury
Health and Quality of Life in Norwegian Burn Patients
Impaired generic health status but perception of good quality of life in survivors of burn injury
Health and Quality of Life in Norwegian Burn Patients
Helse og livskvalitet hos norske brannskadepasienter
Impaired generic health but perception of good quality og life in survivors of burn injury
Burn specific health and work status in Norwegian burn patients
Health and quality of life in Norwegian burn patients
Health status and quality of life in Norwegian burn patients
Livskvalitet etter brannskader
Plastikkirurgi – nytt liv for brannskadde?
Helse-relatert livskvalitet hos norske brannskadepasienter
The use of double check of medication – a quality of care study
The health-related quality of life of Norwegian burn patients
Validation of a Norwegian version of the Burn Specific Health Scale.Erratum in Burns. 2003 Dec;29(8):872-3
Utarbeidelse av en norsk versjon av ”The Burn-Specific Health Scale”
Hvordan kan livskvalitet hos tidligere brannskadde pasienter måles?
Oversettelse, tilpasning og validering av en norsk versjon av det brannskadespesifikke livskvalitetsskjemaet "The abbreviated Burn-Specific Health Scale"