Arbeids- og kompetanseområde
Underviser i- Kunnskapsbasert praksis
- Forskningsmetode
- Implementering
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- Kunnskapsbasert praksis i utdanning
- Implementering
- Bruk av teknologi i utdanning
- Utdanning
Instruments measuring evidence-based practice behavior, attitudes, and self-efficacy among healthcare professionals: a systematic review of measurement properties
Usability methods and attributes reported in usability studies of mobile apps for health care education: Protocol for a scoping review
Core Competencies in Evidence-Based Practice for Health Professionals. Consensus Statement Based on a Systematic Review and Delphi Survey
Impact of a multifaceted and clinically integrated training program in evidence-based practice on knowledge, skills, beliefs and behaviour among clinical instructors in physiotherapy: A non-randomized controlled study
Evidence-based practice exposure and physiotherapy students' behaviour during clinical placements: a survey