ACTivate congress
Welcome! Register for this unique congress focused on co-creation, implementation and evaluation of whole-school physical activity and physically active learning.
The International Congress will include:
- Exclusive insights into research, policy and practice perspectives of physically active learning and whole school physical activity and how they contribute to pupil, teacher and school-based outcomes.
- An opportunity to visit a Norwegian school and experience first-hand how Physically Active Learning and whole school physical activity is enacted into Norwegian pedagogical practices
- Inspiring examples of how Physically Active Learning and whole school physical activity are implemented across Europe.
- Sharing of final outputs and learning from the Erasmus+ funded ACTivate project
- Researchers’, policy makers’, teachers’, and pupils’ perceptions on the role of physical activity opportunities in national policy and in education
ACTivate have designed an event that will draw together researchers, policy makers and practitioners to discuss current issues facing the development, implementation and evaluation of whole-school approaches to physical activity and physically active learning. We share the newest insight into the Erasmus+ project ACTivate.
What is ACTivate? The exciting ACTivate Erasmus+ project co-creates, with teachers and other school stakeholders, an innovative European-wide open access physically active learning teacher training curriculum, web portal and free to access online CPD modules. After 24 months, the project team from six European countries can now share the new European physically active learning (PAL) teacher training curriculum and provide insights into the free to access teacher training modules that launched in early 2022.
The congress will take place over the course of two days at the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL), Campus Bergen. Registration closes on the 11th of November 2022.
We have two different deals with hotels in Bergen.
1. Scandic Hotel Ørnen have blocked 50 rooms for us 21-22.11.22. You can use the code BHOE211122 when you book your stay at their website. The price is 1480 NOK/night (approx. 141 EUR). The rooms that are not booked by November 1st. will be open for others to book. So please book your room before this date.
2. You can also book your hotel through De Bergenske, they have different hotels in the city. Please see their website to find a hotel. When you check out, please use the corporation code HOGVE
If you wish to find a hotel yourself, you can use sites like hotels.com and/or Visit Bergens website
Monday, November21st
The Monday programme is relevant for researchers, educators and policymakers and will begin with a keynote presentation that will set the scene for the implementation of whole-school physical activity and Physically Active Learning. The session provides a broad foundation on the co-designing, implementation, and evaluation of PAL. We would then like to invite you to contribute to the programme and present your work in the field. This can be from a research, practice or policy perspective.
Tuesday November 22nd
The Tuesday programme is relevant for researchers, educators and policymakers. We start the morning session by visiting a local school (Skranevatnet combined school) where attendees will get unique insights into the enactment of PAL in the pedagogical practices in Norway.
The afternoon programme will take place back at Campus. First policy makers will “talk the policy” by sharing their perspectives on whole school physical activity and physically active learning. Second, researchers from the ACTivate project will share their latest insights into the development of whole school physical activity and physically active learning. All of this will be brought together by looking into the future in a panel debate bringing practitioners, policy makers and researchers together.
See full programme below.
Registration for both days Registration for Tuesday 22.11.22
If you have any questions, please contact us