Arbeids- og kompetanseområde
Arbeidserfaring: Ansatt på Høgskolen i Bergen fra 2004. Nær 15 års erfaring som sykepleier/ledende spesial-sykepleier innen pediatri ved Oslo Universitetssykehus. Utdanning: PHD fra Institutt for global helse og samfunnsmedisin (UIB, 2012), Hovedfag i sosiologi (UIO, 2001), Helsesøster (Høgskolen i Akershus, 1995), Sykepleier (HIB, 1986).Underviser i
- Underviser i blant annet følgende emner: metode, statistikk, oversetting og validering av pasientrapporterte malinger (PROM) i forskning og klinisk praksis, kunnskapsbasert praksis, klinisk audit som metode for kvalitetsutvikling, empowerment, brukermedvirkning, helsefremmende tenkning, kommunikasjon- og veiledningsmetodikk, diabetes generelt og i ulike faser av livet.
Forskar på
- Diabetes og psykososiale helseaspekter i ulike faser av livet; bruk av pasientrapporterte målinger (PROMs) i forskning, nasjonale kvalitetsregistre og klinisk praksis; implementering av kunnskapsbasert praksis og kunnskapsbaserte retningslinjer; diabetes epidemiologi.
- DIA501A, Klinisk diabetesspesialitet, Vår 2025
- DIA501A, Klinisk diabetesspesialitet, Høst 2024
- DIA502, Forskningsmetode og kunnskapsbasert praksis, Vår 2025
- DIA502, Forskningsmetode og kunnskapsbasert praksis, Høst 2024
- DIA503, Fordjupning i klinisk diabetesspesialitet og klinisk fagleiing, Vår 2025, emneansvarlig
- KAR502, Forskingsmetode og kunnskapsbasert praksis, Høst 2024
- MKS590, Masteroppgåve, Høst 2024, emneansvarlig
- MKS590, Masteroppgåve, Vår 2025, emneansvarlig
- MSS530, Pasientsikkerheit, kvalitetsforbetring og kunnskapsbasert praksis , Høst 2024
Severe diabetes distress and low general well being in men and women with type 1 diabetes: a nationwide, population based registry study
Prevalence of impaired awareness of hypoglycaemia and associated factors in adults with type 1 diabetes: A nationwide, population based registry study
Prevalence and risk factors for impaired awareness of hypoglycaemia: A registry-based study of 10,202 adults with type 1 diabetes in Norway
Sex differences in diabetes distress and general well-being among adults with type 1 diabetes: Insights from a population-based registry study
Sex differences in diabetes distress and general well-being among adults with type 1 diabetes: Insights from a population-based registry study
Decreasing lifetime prevalence of diabetes-related foot ulcers in Norway: repeated cross-sectional population-based surveys from the HUNT study (1995-2019)
Hypoglycaemia symptom awareness, diabetes distress and general well-being in adults with type 1 diabetes in Norway – a nationwide registry study
Interprofessional follow-up for people at risk of type 2 diabetes in primary healthcare–a randomized controlled trial with embedded qualitative interviews
First trans-diagnostic experiences with a novel micro-choice based concentrated group rehabilitation for patients with low back pain, long COVID, and type 2 diabetes: a pilot study
Diabetes distress og assosierte faktorer ved type 2 diabetes. En populasjonsbasert tverrsnittstudie fra Helseundersøkelsen i Trøndelag (2017-2019).
Tverrfaglig brukerstyrt poliklinikk
Diabetes distress and associated psychological factors in type 2 diabetes. A population-based cross-sectional study. The HUNT Study, Norway
Decreasing lifetime prevalence of diabetes-related foot ulcers over 25 years. Longitudinal analyses of the Trøndelag Health Study (HUNT), Norway
Helse i Hardanger
Sexual Dysfunction in Women with Diabetes.
Insights from a study on sexual dysfunction in women with type 1 diabetes.
Diabetes distress among 10,186 adults with type 1 diabetes in Norway – a nationwide register study
Fagprosedyre for diabetes i kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenester
Diabetes distress and general well being in adults with type 1 diabetes and impaired awareness of hypoglycaemia in Norway a population based registry study
Evaluation of an interprofessional follow-up intervention among people with type 2 diabetes in primary care—A randomized controlled trial with embedded qualitative interviews
Diabeterelatert bekymring og stress kan svekke egenbehandlingen
Diabetes Distress and Associations With Demographic and Clinical Variables: A Nationwide Population-Based Registry Study of 10,186 Adults With Type 1 Diabetes in Norway
Hypoglycaemia symptom awareness in adults with type 1 diabetes – a population-based register study
High number of hypoglycaemic episodes identified by CGM among home-dwelling older people with diabetes: an observational study in Norway
Patient activation in adults attending appointments in general practice: a cross-sectional study
Impaired awareness of hypoglycaemia among adults with type 1 diabetes – a population-based study using data from the Norwegian Diabetes Register for Adults.
Hypoglykemi påvist med CGM hos eldre
ISPAD Clinical Practice Consensus Guidelines 2022. Chapter 6: Diabetes education in children and adolescents
A novel concentrated multidisciplinary group rehabilitation for patients with type 2 diabetes
Team-based Guided Self-Determination follow-up among people at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes or with manifest disease in four general practices in Vestland and Viken.
Diabetes distress among adults with type 1 diabetes – a population-based register study
Hypoglycaemia among home-dwelling older people treated with glucose-lowering medication
IDF2022-0141 Diabetes distress among 10,186 adults with type 1 diabetes in Norway – a nationwide register study
Hypoglykemi og bruk av CGM i hjemmetjenesten
Sexual dysfunction in women with type 1 diabetes in Norway: A qualitative study of women’s experiences
Adolescent’s Experiences with Diabetes Self-Management and the Use of Carbohydrate Counting in Their Everyday Life with Type 1 Diabetes
DiaPROM-studien. Bruk av pasientrapporterte utfallsmål i polikliniske konsultasjoner et verktøy for å bedre kvaliteten på oppfølgingen av unge voksne med diabetes type 1
Pasientrapporterte data i Norsk diabetesregister for voksne
The incidence of hypoglycaemia among home-dwelling older people
Spørreskjema gir bedre oppfølging av unge voksne med diabetes type 1
Studie vider høyere hypoglykemitall
Seksuell helse hos kvinner med diabetes type 1.
Hypoglycaemia in home-dwelling older people with diabetes.
Translation and validation of the Alberta Context Tool for use in Norwegian nursing homes.
Evaluation of novel concentrated interdisciplinary group rehabilitation for patients with chronic illnesses: Protocol for a nonrandomized clinical intervention study
Sexual dysfunction in women with type 1 diabetes in Norway: A cross-sectional study on the prevalence and associations with physical and psychosocial complications
Translation and validation of the Alberta Context Tool for use in Norwegian nursing homes
Documented diabetes care among older people receiving home care services: a cross‐sectional study
Hypoglycaemia in older home-dwelling people with diabetes- a scoping review
Use of patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) in clinical diabetes consultations: the DiaPROM randomised controlled pilot trial
Trends in the utilization of youth primary healthcare services and psychological distress
Young adults with type 1 diabetes and their experiences with diabetes follow‐up and participation in the DiaPROM pilot trial: A qualitative study
Nurses’ and physicians’ experiences with diabetes consultations and the use of dialogue tools in the DiaPROM pilot trial: A qualitative study
Electronic Delivery Mode for Completing PROMs in the Norwegian Diabetes Register for Adults (NDR-A)
Piloting the Problem Areas in Diabetes Scale in Clinical Practice: The DiaPROM Pilot Trial
Piloting the Problem Areas in Diabetes Scale in Clinical Practice: The DiaPROM Pilot Trial
Hypoglycemia in home-dwelling older people with diabetes
Systematisk diabetesbehandling i kommunehelsetjenesten
Erfaringer med internasjonalt forskningssamarbeid som inkluderer studentinvolvering
Added value of implementing Patient-Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) in the Norwegian Diabetes Register for Adults
Bruk av telemedisin i oppfølging av kvinner med svangerskapsdiabetes
Hvorfor vegrer pasienter med type 2 diabetes seg mot insulinbehandling?
DiaPROM og rutinemessig kartlegging av pasientrapporterte målinger i klinisk praksis
A systematic review of quality of life research in medicine and health sciences
Young adults with type 1 diabetes and their experiences with the transition from paediatric to adult care
Routine assessment of Patient-Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) in the DiaPROM trial
Health complaints among adolescents in Norway: A twenty-year perspective on trends
Transition from paediatric to adult care: a qualitative study of the experiences of young adults with type 1 diabetes
Electronic capturing of patient-reported outcome measures on a touchscreen computer in clinical diabetes practice (the DiaPROM trial): a feasibility study
Use of patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) in clinical diabetes consultations: study protocol for the DiaPROM randomised controlled trial pilot study
Patient safety culture in nursing homes – a cross-sectional study among nurses and nursing aides caring for residents with diabetes
Bruk av pasientrapporterte målinger (PROM) i Norsk diabetesregister for voksne.
Om å være mor/far til barn med diabetes og å være barn til mor/far med diabetes
Diabetesbehandling i sykehjem. Hvordan står det til?
Diabetes hos skrøpelig eldre på sykehjem.
Diabetesbehandling og –oppfølging i sykehjem. Klinisk audit ga kvalitetsforbedring
Betre oppfølging av diabetes på sjukeheimar aukar livskvaliteten.
Spørreskjema om livet med diabetes.
DiaPROM - fokus på livet med diabetes
A systematic snapshot review of quality of life research in medicine and health science
A systematic snapshot review of quality of life research in medicine and health sciences
Adolescents' perceptions of the transition process from parental management to self-management of type 1 diabetes
PROMS in diabetes practice. Electronically captured PROMs for assessing diabetes-related distress and psychological well-being in adults with type 1 diabetes. The DiaPROM Feasibility study.
Being mothers and fathers of a child with type 1 diabetes aged 1 to 7 years: a phenomenological study of parents' experiences
The feasibility and acceptability of electronic capturing of Patient-Reported Outcome Measures in clinical diabetes practice. The DiaPROM study.
The use of Patient-Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) in clinical diabetes consultations
Erfaringer med bruk av Problem Areas In Diabetes scale
Vil spørre mer om psykososiale forhold
Overgang fra barn- til voksenavdeling med diabetes type 1, en kvalitativ studie av unge voksnes erfaringer
The use of patient-reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) to promote quality of diabetes care.
Bruk av PROM i Norsk Diabetesregister for voksne
Diabetes kunnskap blant ansatte på sykehjem og i hjemmesykepleien: en valideringsstudie av «Michigan Diabetes Knowledge Test» oversatt til norsk og tilpasset for bruk blant helsepersonell.
Kvalitetsutviklingsprosjekter på sykehjem
Challenges in maintaining satisfactory documentation routines and evidence-based diabetes management in nursing homes
Diabetes knowledge in nursing homes and home-based care services: A validation study of the Michigan Diabetes Knowledge Test adapted for use among nursing personnel
Bruk av kartleggings- og arbeidsverktøyet PAID i diabeteskonsultasjoner
Dokumentasjon og oppfølging av bebuarar med diabetes i sjukeheim
Assessing fear of hypoglycemia in a population-based study among parents of children with type 1 diabetes - psychometric properties of the hypoglycemia fear survey - parent version
Diabetes kunnskap og selvopplevd kompetanse blant ansatte i hjemmesykepleien og på sykehjem
Erfaringer med kunnskapsbasert praksis (KBP) i bachelorutdanning i sykepleie
Dokumentasjon av diabetesbehandling og oppfølging på sykehjem og I hjemmesykepleien: Resultater fra klinisk audit ved åtte sykehjem og ett hjemmesykepleiedistrikt I Norge
Individualisering av behandlingsmål for eldre med diabetes i kommunehelsetjenesten, -hva er gjeldende retningslinjer og praksis?
Screening for cøliaki hos barn med type 1 diabetes : ulike anbefalinger
Behandlingsmål for eldre med diabetes
Diabetes knowledge and self-reported professional competence among nurses and nursing aides in home based care and nursing homes
Ungdom og kondombruk: En studie av tiendeklassingers erfaringer med bruk av kondom
Psychometric properties of the Norwegian version of the Audit of Diabetes-Dependent Quality of Life
Psychometric properties of the Norwegian version of the Audit of Diabetes-Dependent Quality of Life
Informasjon til pasienter med Myelomatose
Utfordringer for familien når et barn eller en ungdom har type 1 diabetes
Foreldrenes rolle i forebygging og behandling av overvekt hos barn og unge. En kritisk gjennomgang av forskning på feltet
Mødres og fedres roller i behandling av type 1 diabetes hos barn
Mother, father and child distribution of responsibility for diabetes management, and it’s association to glycemic control
Assessing fear of hypoglycemia among adults with type 1 diabetes - psychometric properties of the Norwegian version of the Hypoglycemia Fear Survey II questionnaire
Familieforhold av betydning for barns blodsukkerregulering
Parenting children with type 1 diabetes
Diabetes-related emotional distress in adults: Reliability and validity of the Norwegian versions of the Problem Areas in Diabetes Scale (PAID) and the Diabetes Distress Scale (DDS)
Opplæring, undervisning og veiledning
“It costs to be among the best”. A study of associations between children’s HbA1c level and maternal perceived social support and social limitations
Parental fear of hypoglycaemia in mothers of children with type 1 diabetes mellitus: a cultural comparison
Psychosocial family factors and glycemic control among children aged 1-15 years with type 1 diabetes: a population-based study
Diabetes i et livsløpsperspektiv
Perceived family burden and emotional distress: similarities and differences between mothers and fathers of children with type 1 diabetes in a population-based study
Parental fear of hypoglycaemia in mothers of children with type 1 diabetes mellitus: a cultural comparison
Egen meny for barn - et samarbeidsprosjekt mellom Høgskolen i Bergen og Helse Bergen innen ernæring, kosthold og helse
Integrating evidence-based practice into the diabetes nurse curriculum in Bergen
Nocturnal hypoglycemia in children with type 1 diabetes is associated with increased anxiety and depression symptoms in the parents; a population-based study
Frykt for hypoglykemi
Perceived diabetes-related family burden and incidence of mental symptoms among parents of children with type 1 diabetes in a population-based study
Frykt for hypoglykemi hos foreldre til barn med diabetes. En barriere for god metabolsk kontroll?
Sammenhengen mellom frykt for føling og metabolsk kontroll
The Hypoglycemia Fear Survey ? Parent version: Comparison of mothers? and fathers? reports on the worry subscale items in a population-based study
Foreldres opplevelse av diabetes relatert belastning og mentalt stress. Likheter og ulikheter mellom mødre og fedre til barn med type 1 diabetes
Perceived diabetes-related family burden and emotional distress among parents of children with type 1 diabetes in a population-based study
Foreldre til type 1-barn: Frykt for hypoglykemi, opplevelse av belastning og mentalt stress
Fear of hypoglycaemia in mothers and fathers of children with Type 1 diabetes is associated with poor glycaemic control and parental emotional distress: a population-based study
Kunnskapsbasert praksis i Videreutdanning i klinisk sykepleie - diabetessykepleie; barrierer mot å bruke forskning i praksis
Parent and children reported coping resources and strategies in relation to daily diabetes-treatment challenges considered on the basis of the salutogenetic ?Sence of Coherence?-theory by Aaron Antonovsky
The PAID scale ? a screening measure for diabetes-related problem areas
Nocturnal hypoglycemia in children with type 1 diabetes is associated with increased anxiety and depression symptoms in the parents; a population-based study
Frykt for føling, - årsaker, konsekvenser, forekomst og behandling
PAID, - et instrument for kartlegging av diabetesrelaterte, psykososiale problemområder
Emotional distress in parents of children with type 1 diabetes: A population-based study
Diabetesbehandling og oppfølging, - noen teoretiske betraktninger
The PAID scale - a screening measure for diabetes-related problem areas
PAID - et instrument for kartlegging av diabetes-relaterte, psykososiale problemområder
Teaching and implementation of evidence-based practice in postgraduate diabetes education
Metoder og instrumenter for kartlegging psykososiale problemer knyttet til diabetes
Children's Insulin Regime, Frequency of Blood Glucose Monitoring and Hypoglycemia Problems Reported by Parents in a Population Based Study
Når barnet får diabetes
Psykososial helse blant foreldre til barn med diabetes
Metoder og instrumenter for kartlegging psykososiale problemer knyttet til diabetes
Integrating the evidence based practice approach intro the curriculum of diabetes nursing education - barriers of research utilization
Integrating the evidence based practice approach intro the curriculum of diabetes nursing education - barriers of research utilization
Diabetessykepleie som virker
Diabetes hos barn
Trenger mamma og pappa ? lenge!
Små barn med diabetes, - utfordringer for familien
Læring, mestring og motivasjon
Adferd og bekymringer knyttet til hypoglykemi
Forhold i familien ? betydning for metabolsk kontroll hos barn med daibetes
Kostveiledningens plass i behandling av type 1 diabetes