Arbeids- og kompetanseområde
Professor in economics. Her research focuses on housing markets, regional economics, labour markets, residential segregation, integration and applied spatial econometrics. See further details below.
Here is a link to her publications.
Information about ongoing projects:
Influx of migrants following Russia's invasion of Ukraine: Integration and Governance Dynamics in Nordic and Baltic States (INFLUX) NordForsk project #161678. Project owner: Western Norway University of Applied Sciences. PI: Liv Osland.
Life at the Frontier: The Impact of Social Frontiers on the Social Mobility and Integration of Migrants, NordForsk # 95193. Project owner: Sheffield University. PI: Gwilym Pryce. Co-PI (Norway): Liv Osland.
A Fair Chance? How Geography Shapes Life Opportunities (FAIR). NFR project: 30528. Project Owner: NOVA OsloMet. PI: Lena Magunsson Turner. WP-leader of "Labor market attainment and moves from rural to urban areas": Liv Osland.
Previous Research projects:
2020- 2024 Life at the Frontier, The Impact of Social Frontiers on the Social Mobility and Integration of Migrants, NordForsk # 95193. Project owner: Sheffield University. PI: Gwilym Pryce.
2020- 2024 A Fair Chance? How Geography Shapes Life Opportunities (FAIR) NFR-Project. # 302528. NOVA OsloMet. PI: Lena Magnusson Turner.
2018-2019 Social inequality and housing over the life course: good choices or lucky outcomes?NFR-Project #: 414010. Project manager: Lena Magnusson Turner (NOVA, OsloMet).
2017-2018 Persistent unemployment on local labour markets and local development. Headed by: dr. Peter Håkansson, Malmö University. Project financed by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, Sweden:
2012-2015 Neighbourhoods at risk: Residential mobility and neighbourhood tipping. NFR project: #: 217210/H20. Project manager: Viggo Nordvik (NOVA, Oslo Metropolitan University).
2011-2012 Name of overall project: Development of hybrid power generating system for Electrical Power Supply Ship. WP: Evaluating measures to reduce air emissions in large port cities. NFR (MAROFF):# 210674/O70.
2008-2010 Modelling Regional Development. NFR project:1826391/V10. Project manager: Inge Thorsen (Høgskolen Stord Haugesund)
Underviser i
Current courses:
- Microeconomics
- Housing economics and spatial econometrics
- Econometrics
Previous courses:
- Public economics
- Risk management and insurance
- Health economics
- Managerial economics
Forskar på
Recently, Osland has delved into the importance of neighbourhoods, especially in view of the influx of immigrants in urban areas, and the growing trend of neighbourhood segregation. Her latest projects have specifically focused on studying the complex issues of segregation, immigrant integration, return migration, labour market dynamics, and evaluating policy efforts aimed at improving residential neighbourhoods and fostering immigrants' economic integration.
Her research interests also have center around housing markets, specifically examining the systematic spatial pattern of housing prices and understanding the interactions between housing and labour markets within regions. A significant focus has been on studying how changes in transportation network influences housing prices.
She has studied methods to estimate and assign economic values to non-market goods such as emissions to air and green spaces.
Here is a link to her publications, and here is a link to a presentation of her research.
- MSB104, Økonometri, Høst 2024
- MSB205, Boligmarknadsøkonomi og anvendt spatial økonometri, Høst 2024
- MSB210, Masteroppgåve, Vår 2025