Flerspråklig matematikk

BARNkunne forskningsområde 4 undersøker hvordan digitale spill kan utvikle det matematiske språket til barn.



Tamsin Meaney, forskergruppeleder

Troels Lange, HVL 

Mona Karabaschi Vee, HVL 

Dorota Lembrér, HVL, ph.d.-student

Silje Christiansen, HVL, ph.d.-student 


Fosse, T., Lange, T., & Meaney, T. (2020). Kindergarten teachers’ stories about young children’s problem posing and problem solving. In I. Erfjord, M. Carlsen, & P. S. Hunderland (Eds.). Mathematics Education in the Early Years Results from the POEM4 Conference2018 (pp. 351-368). New York: Springer. 

Lembrér. (2020). Parents’ valuing of mathematics for young children. In M. Carlsen, I. Erfjord, & P. S. Hundeland (Eds.), Mathematics Education in the Early Years: Results from the POEM4 Conference, 2018 (pp. 403420). Cham: Springer International Publishing. 

Severina, E. & Meaney, T. (2020). The semiotic resources children use in their explanations of hypothetical situations. In I. Erfjord, M. Carlsen, & P. S. Hunderland (Eds.). Mathematics Education in the Early Years Results from the POEM4 Conference2018 (pp. 177-198). New York: Springer. 

Lange, T. & Meaney, T. (2019). What the mathematics in the puzzles and handicrafts in 1920s Danish children’s magazines tells about childhoods. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood20(4), 294-308. 

Fosse, T., Lange, T., Lossius, M. H. & Meaney, T. (2018). Mathematics as the Trojan horse in Norwegian early childhood policy? Research in Mathematics Education20(2), 166-182. 

Lange, T. & Meaney, T. (2018). Talking about mathematics in two languages: Can parental views inform the development of digital games for young children? Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education2


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